Football Pool - Week 1


Nothing to see here
All games are worth a point EXCEPT for one game that is worth 5 points(Pick of the Week)..Not gonna mess with a tiebreaker this year, so don't pick total points for Monday night game. Also, if you don't turn in your picks by midnight Friday, you will get all home teams and the Lions as your pick of the week.

I'll keep cumlative points for the year and the winner gets.....Bragging rights..

Please do your picks by 8pm Thursday this week..

Colts -6 Saints
Texans -3 Chiefs
Bills 3.5 Broncos
Browns 4.5 Steelers
Jaguars -7 Titans
Rams -1 Panthers
Packers 3 Eagles
Vikings -3 Falcons
Redskins -3 Dolphins
Jets 6.5 Patriots
Seahawks -6 Buccs
Chargers -6 Bears
Raiders -1.5 Lions
Cowboys -6 Giants
Bengals -2.5 Ravens
49ers -3.5 Cardinals


People in the pool this year(19)
BS Gal
Buffalo Bill
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here we go!!!!

Colts -6 Saints Saints
Texans -3 Chiefs Chefs
Bills 3.5 Broncos Bills
Jaguars -7 Tenn Tenn
Browns 4.5 Steelers BROWNS
Rams -1 Panthers Rams
Packers 3 Eagles Eagles
Vikings -3 Falcons Vikes
Redskins -3 Dolphins Skins ***
Jets 6.5 Patriots Jets
Seahawks -6 Buccs Hawks
Chargers -6 Bears Chargers
Raiders -1.5 Lions Raiders
Cowboys -6 Giants Ants
Bengals -2.5 Ravens Bengals
49ers -3.5 Cardinals Cards
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Nothing to see here
Redskins(5pt game)
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Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...right now for $20?????????


Either way yall decide is fine with me..It's winner take all, but make it clear that its for the regular season only unless someone wants to continue this for the playoffs.


Nothing to see here
gumbo said:
$20 on the year or for this week?

For the year..I don't know most of the people and it may matter to some of the people. Why don't yall do a side thing in a private thread?? Just use the open board thread as your stats sheet. It is gambling, ya know, may not go over big with the powers that be here.. :whistle:


Colts -6 Saints---------------Indy******5pts
Texans -3 Chiefs-------------KC
Bills 3.5 Broncos--------------Den
Jaguars-7 Titans--------------Jax
Browns 4.5 Steelers-----------Pit
Rams -1 Panthers------------Car
Packers 3 Eagles-------------Pack
Vikings -3 Falcons------------Min
Redskins -3 Dolphins----------Phins
Jets 6.5 Patriots--------------NE
Seahawks -6 Buccs----------Sea
Chargers -6 Bears------------SD
Raiders -1.5 Lions------------Oak
Cowboys -6 Giants-----------Dal
Bengals -2.5 Ravens----------Balt
49ers -3.5 Cardinals----------49
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I know nothing
Colts -6 Saints colts 5pt******
Texans -3 Chiefs chiefs
Bills 3.5 Broncos broncos
Browns 4.5 Steelers steelers
jags -7 Titans jags
Rams -1 Panthers rams
Packers 3 Eagles eagles
Vikings -3 Falcons falcons
Redskins -3 Dolphins skins
Jets 6.5 Patriots patriots
Seahawks -6 Buccs seahawks
Chargers -6 Bears bears
Raiders -1.5 Lions raiders
Cowboys -6 Giants giants
Bengals -2.5 Ravens ravens
49ers -3.5 Cardinals cardinals
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otter said:
For the year..I don't know most of the people and it may matter to some of the people. Why don't yall do a side thing in a private thread?? Just use the open board thread as your stats sheet. It is gambling, ya know, may not go over big with the powers that be here.. :whistle:
Saint Mary's Today
Headlines... Owner of Southern Maryland On-line is arrested this week for illegal gambling and bookmaking. Police are still trying to locate two men by the screen names Larry and Gumbo for questioning in this matter.
If any one knows anything about these two men, please contact the St Mary's Sheriffs Department.



New Member
Colts -6 Saints Colts
Texans -3 Chiefs Chiefs
Bills 3.5 Broncos Bills
Jaguars 4.5 Titans Jaguars
Browns -7 Steelers Browns
Rams -1 Panthers Panthers
Packers 3 Eagles Packers
Vikings -3 Falcons Falcons
Redskins -3 Dolphins Dolphins**
Jets 6.5 Patriots Jets
Seahawks -6 Buccs Seahawks
Chargers -6 Bears Bears
Raiders -1.5 Lions Lions
Cowboys -6 Giants Giants
Bengals -2.5 Ravens Ravens
49ers -3.5 Cardinals Cardinals

I love you Mainman. And I am sorry :smooch:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
My analysis...

Colts -6 Saints Saints because the Colts are DONE and the Saints are for real and hungrier. The down side of this pick is that Peyton and company looked great on both sides of the ball in the pre season. Still, Brees looks even better.

Texans -3 Chiefs Chefs because no one cares and it doesn'tr matter and you gotta make a pick. Texans win with a field goal late, Chiefs cover.

Bills 3.5 Broncos Bills at home over a Broncos team that may be as lost in the identity category as the Skins.

Jaguars 4.5 Steelers Steelers because of Ben and new coach Timmons. He might be a good one. Plus, the Jags have issues. How do you cut your #1 QB after the preseason???

Browns -7 Titans Titans 7 is a bunch of points to give to up and comers with a decent D and this years MVP, Vince Young. Start the Brady watch.

Rams -1 Panthers Rams can still score. At home. On their race track. Panthers may have more questions than answers after last year.

Packers 3 Eagles Eagles giving three against what's left of the Packers. Birds win and cover.

Vikings -3 Falcons Vikes can give 3 to the messed up Dirty Birds. Now, having said that, what's his face, Chris Redman actually looked good in one game I saw parts of. This pick is shaky.

Redskins -3 Dolphins Skins *** mortal, take it to the bank, lock. This is IT, this year. Trent Green has no weapons. The Skins would shut them down if they did. Portis runs for over a 100 and 2 RD's. Campbell looks great. Landry and Taylor, between them, send 3 people to the hospital. Taylor stills gets beat for 6.

Jets 6.5 Patriots Jets at home against a NE team that has wheels coming off. If they can do it without Rodney...

Seahawks -6 Buccs Hawks because they aren't that far removed from their Superbowl year and the Bucs are.

Chargers -6 Bears Chargers are going to just kill people. Anyone remember the last time Norv Turner had real weapons?

Raiders -1.5 Lions Raiders because...because...I have no idea.

Cowboys -6 Giants Ants because Eli is going to have a much bigger year than Ohno Romo.

Bengals -2.5 Ravens Bengals in the game of the week. I think Palmer is going to have a monster year.

49ers -3.5 Cardinals Cards are better than they get credit for, better than the 49'ers who are better than they get credit for.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
For the...

gumbo said:
$20 on the year or for this week?

...year. We gotta get a trophy. We gotta get ot some Miller Lite (of course we can just pizz in a can and save a few bucks there) for doing all this work and the rest can be for the winnah.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
All we...

gumbo said:
Saint Mary's Today
Headlines... Owner of Southern Maryland On-line is arrested this week for illegal gambling and bookmaking. Police are still trying to locate two men by the screen names Larry and Gumbo for questioning in this matter.
If any one knows anything about these two men, please contact the St Mary's Sheriffs Department.


...gotta do is tell them the money goes towards a stuffed ham auction and we're scot free.