I took a peak.
It is a picture of my husband's life support, plus and minus a few buttons.
Today, I got off work early, since I worked late 2 days this week. So, I decided to go
When I got home, I had a desire to clean. I cleaned all the windows, carpets, floors, walls, bathrooms, cleaned 2 chairs, well, lets just say everything but the den, which is what REALLY needed cleaned in the first place. Well, during the course of my cleaning frenzy, I went outside to the front porch to water the plants. I was standing on my tippy toes so I could reach the plant, then all of the sudden a bunch of baby birds flew out of the plant and into my face. I started screaming, tripped over the chair, spilled the water all over my shirt and my DH came out the front door holding a bowl of ice cream and his TV remote.

Of course, he got chewed out. Ok, they were just birds, but I could have been kimnapped, or it could have been a snake or any other emergency. Now, I wonder if he would have dropped his remote and ice cream to save me?