You know you are a democrat when........
You wake up on November 3rd and your rectum hurts, your underwear is missing and there are elephant tracks leading away from your house.
You are completely content living in poverty.
You are a master at blaming government or other people for your sucky life.
The sound of a Bruce Springsteen song makes you weep uncontrolably.
While pounding your sword into a plowshare you hit your finger with the hammer and immediatly sue the maker of the hammer for damages and emotional duress.
You feel the governments job is to provide for your every need.
You believe all businesses are evil satan based institutions, even the one that donated the playground equipment your kid plays on at the park and who's dividends caused your 401K to return a 9.7%.
You pray to God that the Evengelicals would just die.
You think Colin Powell and Condoleza Rice are sambo's the rebublican trot out to the crowd for show, yet you are not a bigot.
You think blacks are stupid Toby's who need you to take care of them because they are incapable of surviving without aide, but you are not a bigot.
You hate evangelicals, but you are not a bigot.
You love gays because they are really cool in a curiously kinky kinda way.
You are holding off voting in the 2008 primaries until you see who Leonardo DiCaprio is endorsing.
You have a poster of Dan Rather in your bedroom; You know the sexy one of him in suspenders.
You will never buy another product that has "Swift" or "Boat" in the name.
You write fan letters to George Soros.