For NannyPam, PT & Jack



<----- = big deal


Football season!
Priority #1 for Mora in the offseason is to get some offensive lineman. With all the talk about how well they run block, they can't pass block for jack. Vick can only do so much with a man in his face on every single play. Good luck eagles in the superbowl. You guys are looking really good!


But wait, there's more...
DQ & I are gonna have Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream to celebrate! :biggrin:

And before someone chimes in with "But you're a Cowboys fan ..." yes, I am; but they ain't in it anymore, so I gotta root for the home boys! :getdown:

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
crabcake said:
DQ & I are gonna have Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream to celebrate! :biggrin:

And before someone chimes in with "But you're a Cowboys fan ..." yes, I am; but they ain't in it anymore, so I gotta root for the home boys! :getdown:
just practice the av dance send via video woo hoo:kiss: