FOR SALE: Pentium 4 HP loaded with hardware upgrades & software!!


New Member
Please check out the link below if you are in the market for a new computer or know someone looking for one! Computer has a GeForce 6800 GS OC video card, upgraded RAM to 2 GB, 80 GB hard drive, lots of games (popular titles, including Madden 2007, etc). I'm really try to move this computer and it will be a GREAT deal for whomever purchases it - runs incredibly smooth, no issues, and all the software & extras one would be looking for!

Even if you're not interested in purchasing it yourself, please pass this link along to someone who is! Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide some help!!

**Please note: I'm not just another person trying to resell a bunch of monitors and printers I bought wholesale, one of those "home-business" types with stores on eBay, etc. I'm just a dumb guy who wants to sell my computer. Meaning you can get back to me easily once you buy it if you have questions about anything - I'd be glad to help out...I'll even set it up for you!**
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New Member
I'm not throwing out arguments on price here - would just like to point out that people could sell a package of all the games that will come with it (the list is too long for me to fit into a 1500 word ad), plus the video card for more than $100. A bit more, really. Then throw in the controller, the wireless mouse, memory upgrade, etc., items that would really start to bloat their final total if they were shopping for a computer at Best Buy - and they'd probably buying a Celeron or (god forbid) an eMachine because they're trying to stay within a budget. Or they could purchase a used computer, albeit loaded with more upgrades than they would probably going about performing themselves, and it will be a pretty good deal.

I'm not exactly marketing to people who are into computers, who know how to work with them & perform upgrades on them. I'm offering it to the family who has some kids & need something they can use for their own online work, personal work, plus something the kids can play popular games on if they don't have it in their budget to buy a nice, new computer & a new XBox or PS.

Basically, I'm not saying this computer is "top of the line." I know my next computer will be quite a step up from this one anyways & will likely end up wondering what I was doing. But having something high-tech is for me. But a family who just wants something nice? You have to admit it's nicer than alot of the pre-packaged things they can buy at a big box store, pay $900-$1500 for it just because it's loaded with things they don't need or will never use. How much extra would they have spend just to get all the games, software & upgrades on for that big-box computer they just bought?

I'm not on my soapbox here, railing against either of you. Compared to the computers you two are using, this one probably isn't much. But there are alot of people out there who will see this as a real step up from a computer they own now & they don't have to pay 4 digits for it & then go out and buy all the extras I'm offering. I'm just selling to someone who has a different point of view than those who already have great computers.


New Member
Thanks to everyone who has sent emails so far, either expressing interest or just saying they were passing the link along.

Don't let the fact that some have already been in touch discourage you! If you really are interested & we come to an agreement on price, I can have it at your house and set up THAT DAY (well, excluding the weekend...not in town). No waiting for shipping, no messing around with setup yourself - I'll have it in & running in no time.


Pitty Party
Jawbreaker25 said:
Thanks to everyone who has sent emails so far, either expressing interest or just saying they were passing the link along.

Don't let the fact that some have already been in touch discourage you! If you really are interested & we come to an agreement on price, I can have it at your house and set up THAT DAY (well, excluding the weekend...not in town). No waiting for shipping, no messing around with setup yourself - I'll have it in & running in no time.

Please call George @ 301-373-5202. If there is no answer, please be sure to leave a message! I will call back ASAP! This computer has to go! Price is negotiable. This is a computer w/all the expensive extras, software, & games included - no work to be done! Just plug it in and go!

This is about a computer.... Right? :popcorn:


My laptop is faster :buttkick:

Ebay.... A buck :popcorn:


New Member
Your laptop probably is faster. So fast that you didn't read the 4th post down, the one that details what kind of person or family would be interested in this computer.

All these condescending remarks with no real thought behind them...I don't understand why. Just a chance to take a shot at someone?


Active Member
Jawbreaker25 said:
I'm not throwing out arguments on price here - would just like to point out that people could sell a package of all the games that will come with it (the list is too long for me to fit into a 1500 word ad), plus the video card for more than $100. A bit more, really. Then throw in the controller, the wireless mouse, memory upgrade, etc., items that would really start to bloat their final total if they were shopping for a computer at Best Buy.

I wouldn't throw much stock in your games adding to the value. The hardware will add some, but I've never had any luck with games. Everyone has different tastes, finding a buyer with exactly yours would be difficult if not impossible. While its a nice perk, I doubt too many people will be willing to pay a significant amount extra for them. Not trying to slam you for trying, just throwing out a little advice.


New Member
At least you're thinking more like I am. I'm not expecting a significant amount extra for games. I'm quite realistic on price expectations. Thank you for the advice though - something nice is appreciated.

What I do know is someone will go pay, what, $800-1000 for some big box Celeron with limited capabilities, or pay even more for a Pentium 4 big box (only because it's loaded with software the buyer will never need).

On the other hand, for those trying not to overspend, they'll be quite please with the computer I'm selling, especially since they won't have to pay anywhere near full price for all the extras, and it will likely perform far better than anything they've owned previously & they'll be able to do everything they had planned on doing on the big box PC they were about to purchase! And they won't have to spend even $1000 for all of it, obviously. Suddenly the buyer will have a PC they are happy with and extra money in their budget...


New Member
unixpirate said:
Please call George @ 301-373-5202. If there is no answer, please be sure to leave a message! I will call back ASAP! This computer has to go! Price is negotiable. This is a computer w/all the expensive extras, software, & games included - no work to be done! Just plug it in and go!

This is about a computer.... Right? :popcorn:


My laptop is faster :buttkick:

Ebay.... A buck :popcorn:
I got a laptop free at North Point. Girl who worked there said, it's broke- if you can fix it, you can keep it.

All it needed was RAM and a CD drive. Didn't spend over $80 for it.