For the Forum's GOPers


Asperger's Poster Child
What do you think of John Danforth? Personally, I'd like to see more Republicans like him and fewer like, say, James Dobson and Randall Terry.

(Moderate Christians) think that efforts to haul references of God into the public square, into schools and courthouses, are far more apt to divide Americans than to advance faith.

Following a Lord who reached out in compassion to all human beings, we oppose amending the Constitution in a way that would humiliate homosexuals...
To assert that I am on God's side and you are not, that I know God's will and you do not, and that I will use the power of government to advance my understanding of God's kingdom is certain to produce hostility.

By contrast, moderate Christians see ourselves, literally, as moderators. Far from claiming to possess God's truth, we claim only to be imperfect seekers of the truth.


Super Genius
I like how he reprimands "conservative Christians" by saying that they presume to speak for all Christians and then goes ahead and presumes to speak for all "moderate Christians" :sarcasm:


New Member
Well he is a minister...

I'm a big fan of Danforth myself; its too bad President Bush didn't pick him as his vice-president during the 2000 Campaign.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
I'm a big fan of Danforth myself; its too bad President Bush didn't pick him as his vice-president during the 2000 Campaign.
Geddoudahere! Dick Cheney rocks! :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Maybe as an adviser/bureacrat, but vice president, eh, not so much.
Puh-leeze! I would vote for Dick Cheney to be Imperial Grand Pooh Bah. King Kamehameha of the Western Hemisphere. Lord and Master of the Free World.

What could you possibly not like about Dick Cheney?

He's from Nebraska, you know. :dance:


Methodically disorganized
vraiblonde said:
Puh-leeze! I would vote for Dick Cheney to be Imperial Grand Pooh Bah. King Kamehameha of the Western Hemisphere. Lord and Master of the Free World.
... White House Lord of the Sith (because Libs like to compare him to Darth Vader)



Routinely Derailed
It's pretty plain that he's more concerned about his own popularity than he is about the issue itself, and he's fallen into the trap of changing the Law (in the Bible) to fit the iniquity of today's society.


New Member
Lenny said:
Hmmmmm. Let me see here. Episcopal minister. Episcopal church encourages homosexual priests. Not promising that he speaks for main-stream Christians, it is?

The Episcopal Church does not encourage homosexual priests; some congregations do (such as the New Hampshire diocese), but the church overall does not and still maintains that homosexuality is a sin.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Puh-leeze! I would vote for Dick Cheney to be Imperial Grand Pooh Bah. King Kamehameha of the Western Hemisphere. Lord and Master of the Free World.

What could you possibly not like about Dick Cheney?

He's from Nebraska, you know. :dance:

So was William Jennings Bryan and Ben Nelson and Bob Kerrey, all good Democrats :wink:.

My thing against Cheney is that he has absolutely no charisma and I really do not care about his oil and Haliburton ties...I just by nature don't trust that (I'm not advancing conspiracy theories and all, but I am naturally distrustful of big oil).

That and Cheney is way, way too hawkish for me.


Methodically disorganized
rraley said:
My thing against Cheney is that he has absolutely no charisma...
Obviously, you simply need to visit this site to realize the wonder that is Dick Cheney. And you thought vrai spent most of her time here...



Well-Known Member
Mind you I know nothing of Mr Danforth...but it appears that he is unaware that Christianity is being REMOVED from the public arena by over zealous judges, liberal activists, and Humanist scholars.
Tell me about great Episcopalian missionaries? How about huge episcopalian crusades for Christ?, are we striking out? The only Episcopalians who have a heart on fire are a minority of true believers in the US and thousands (millions?) in Africa who are ashamed of the liberalism that has crept in through "Moderation & Tolerance" of a corrupt PC ..."Moderate" church.

If the salt does not have its flavor: it gets thrown on the ground.


This Space for Rent
Technically, salt isn't used to add a "salt" flavor... it brings out the natural flavors in the food.

On another side note, the saying "when it rains, it pours" originated with Morton Salt advertising. :cheers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
William Jennings Bryan
Another fabulous statesman - can we grow 'em or what? (The rest of you hush and we'll see how much ol' Raley knows about WJB :really:)

Why do you distrust the people who facilitate you being able to visit your grandmother? That's a bit odd, IMO.
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