For the Hillary Haters


New Member
A nice poll from Quinnipiac University...
Hypothetical match-ups...
Clinton: 60%
Pataki: 31%

Clinton: 50%
Guiliani: 44% (the GOP's top choice for presidential nominee in 2008)

awesome stuff


New Member
rraley said:
A nice poll from Quinnipiac University...
Hypothetical match-ups...
Clinton: 60%
Pataki: 31%

Clinton: 50%
Guiliani: 44% (the GOP's top choice for presidential nominee in 2008)

awesome stuff
Of course the low income, uninformed psychos would vote for "Miss Entitilist" :boo:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Poll from the Gude household:

George Pataki: 60%
Hillary Clinton: 0%
Undecided: 40%

Rudy Giuliani: 80%
Hillary Clinton: 0%
Undecided: 20%

Awesome stuff! :yay:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Poll from the Gude household:

George Pataki: 60%
Hillary Clinton: 0%
Undecided: 40%

Rudy Giuliani: 80%
Hillary Clinton: 0%
Undecided: 20%

Awesome stuff! :yay:


This Space for Rent
rraley said:
A nice poll from Quinnipiac University...
Hypothetical match-ups...
Clinton: 60%
Pataki: 31%

Clinton: 50%
Guiliani: 44% (the GOP's top choice for presidential nominee in 2008)

awesome stuff

And anybody could have won against Bush in a landslide, according to the dems pre-election 2004.


I bowl overhand
Biggest flaw in this poll is Quinnipiac UNIVERSITY.. try to take a poll where the pollees aren't getting liberalism stuffed down their throats EVERY day..

Hmmm have to wonder, is Janey a Hillary fan.. ??


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Actually, I've heard that most polls put Howard Dean beating George Bush in November of 2004. Watch for this guy - he'll be our new President come January 2005!


New Member
itsbob said:
Biggest flaw in this poll is Quinnipiac UNIVERSITY.. try to take a poll where the pollees aren't getting liberalism stuffed down their throats EVERY day.. Hmmm have to wonder, is Janey a Hillary fan.. ??
To her credit, Janey is a staunch Republican. (I almost said "Bush supporter" but I know where y'all would have taken that!!) :lmao:


Routinely Derailed
I don't HATE Mrs. Clinton. I don't like her personality and I don't like her politics, and I would have a problem voting to put her in any public office, but I don't HATE her. I'm a Christian and I'm taught to not hate people.

As for the University thing, I have to say that I agree that it's not the right place for this type of poll to reflect anything approaching neutral bias.

I really wish we could have another Republican President in '08, and of course it's too early to prognosticate about that, but my gut feeling is that we'll have a Democrat in the White house next time. I hope I'm wrong! And I hope and pray Mrs. Clinton isn't the one that gets elected.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Of course there's another way of looking at this...

As for the University thing, I have to say that I agree that it's not the right place for this type of poll to reflect anything approaching neutral bias.

let's see...

A nice poll from Quinnipiac University...
Hypothetical match-ups...
Clinton: 60%
Pataki: 31%

Clinton: 50%
Guiliani: 44% (the GOP's top choice for presidential nominee in 2008)

If you are only running 2:1 against one guy and basically even money with another among YOUR gene pool, well, that's something else, eh?


Super Genius
To be fair, universities do run polls that are larger than just the university. Some do nationwide polls. However, rraley provided no information about the poll to make it at all useful. Who was polled would be the biggest question. Not knowing how the poll was conducted makes the numbers useless.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
To be fair, universities do run polls that are larger than just the university. Some do nationwide polls. However, rraley provided no information about the poll to make it at all useful. Who was polled would be the biggest question. Not knowing how the poll was conducted makes the numbers useless.
Check it out:

Since it looks like just New York voters, I'm not impressed or worried.


Lovin' being Texican
ylexot said:
To be fair, universities do run polls that are larger than just the university. Some do nationwide polls. However, rraley provided no information about the poll to make it at all useful. Who was polled would be the biggest question. Not knowing how the poll was conducted makes the numbers useless.

Check out their polling web site at


Football season!
Note to dems: You're lost the last two elections. It will be difficult enough just to get in the whitehouse again, don't lessen your chances by having a woman (sort of) on your ticket. Stick to the basics.


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SmallTown said:
Note to dems: You're lost the last two elections. It will be difficult enough just to get in the whitehouse again, don't lessen your chances by having a woman (sort of) on your ticket. Stick to the basics.
The elections sound even worse if you consider that in 92 and 96, Clinton didn't even get 50%, and he's far and away the most popular Democratic candidate in years. The last Democrat to get more than 50% was Jimmy Carter - 50.08%, actually. You really gotta go back to Johnson's blowout of Goldwater for a big win. Even Kennedy and Truman were squeakers, and even THEY didn't get 50% of the vote.

And the Democratic strategy is, let's go further to the left ?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't hate Hillary. When she's on talk shows just chatting, I actually find her amusing and engaging (don't hit me). It's when she starts talking politics that she sounds like a loony.


vraiblonde said:
I don't hate Hillary.

Shame on you. Why not? j/k

I really don't care for Hillary or her politics. Read alot on the way she treats people and the way she acts. How much truth to what I've read....well, you're at the mercy of the author. As to her politics....No thank you.