For the Musicians in PF...


This may have already been posted (sorry if it has). Stopped by the Hot Licks in the new shopping center in PF this past weekend. Nice spread of equipment. I'm sure they will be getting more in. I was impressed with their line of guitars. Just glad I don't have to drive all the way to Waldorf or Chuck Levins (in Silver Springs) to get what I need anymore.

Now if PF can just get us a Home Depot or Lowes.


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Hot Licks is the best music store in So. Md. Their prices even compete, or beat, those found on-line. I found a Peavey Classic 30 for less than any online dealer (including shipping and sales tax considerations). Only shortcoming to Hot Licks over online dealers is the return policy. Online retailers offer much better terms, some accept returns as long as 45 days with few questions asked (as long as it is retuned in appropriate condition).

Only other problem with Hot Licks is that they do not carry Gibson. They told me that Gibson does not want to deal with the small dealers.
Bay_Kat said:
Yes, that would be wonderful, I do not like the little hardware store in PF, it's dirty and overpriced.

Lusby's? Whenever we've needed something that nobody else had - Lusby's had it. :yay:


David said:
Hot Licks is the best music store in So. Md. Their prices even compete, or beat, those found on-line. I found a Peavey Classic 30 for less than any online dealer (including shipping and sales tax considerations). Only shortcoming to Hot Licks over online dealers is the return policy. Online retailers offer much better terms, some accept returns as long as 45 days with few questions asked (as long as it is retuned in appropriate condition).

Only other problem with Hot Licks is that they do not carry Gibson. They told me that Gibson does not want to deal with the small dealers.
Washington Music Center is probably the cheapest you will find on anything. What I did was got on the MWC website, requested a quote on a guitar, took that quote to Hot Licks (in Waldorf) and they matched the price. Saved about $200. The only downfall to Hot Licks is they don't really deal in music software, which I use extensively for recording.


Speedy70 said:
Lusby's? Whenever we've needed something that nobody else had - Lusby's had it. :yay:
I bought my Deere there. They are a great place. I don't care about dirt. That's what hardware stores are... dirty. Heck HD and Lowes are probably dirtier than anyplace I've ever been.