For those over the age of 50..


Well-Known Member
Over the past days, there have been new radio and television commercials that start like this...

"9 out of 10 people that died of CoVid-19 are over 50". blah bah blah, get your shots and boosters... the inference is 90% of us will die if we dont.

Well, I'm OVER 50. Since February, 6 people I know, about my age, have had bypass, new valves, heart attacks, mini-strokes, including one of my sisters. I had a heart scare that made me take a trip to the E.R. Now, I know we're susceptible to health issues but dammit , these folks I speak of are in pretty good health and are not alcohol abusers or smokers. We're not doing stupid stuff. The common thread is ------ the vaccines.

It's been mentioned about 20 times already, including the facts that young kids are suffering with heart issues. Now, the CDC is admitting they don't have any idea what they're talking about with long term effects of the vaccines. If you have never heard of Thalidomide, look it up.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the world's population is exploding, exceeding the food supply chains.

Do you believe Joe, Anthony, the CDC???? What does my doctor say??? GET THE SHOTS GET THE SHOTS... Then I found out he HAS NOT....



Well-Known Member
72 next month, 4 cigars a day, hate 90% of vegetables (unless it's on a Whopper no tomato or meat lovers pizza supreme), sleep till noon, 27.4 bmi, awake to 0400, have all my white hair and still enjoys life's pleasures.
I'll sell a kidney for the right price, why not Dementia Joe sold his brain.


Well-Known Member
72 next month, 4 cigars a day, hate 90% of vegetables (unless it's on a Whopper no tomato or meat lovers pizza supreme), sleep till noon, 27.4 bmi, awake to 0400, have all my white hair and still enjoys life's pleasures.
I'll sell a kidney for the right price, why not Dementia Joe sold his brain.
He may have sold it, but I would bet the price was low.
Maybe as low as the quality.


Just sneakin' around....
My age?


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
<------Over 65 1/2; not dead...but, Lady Death and I have danced the tango many times over the years. First time, she cradled me in her arms as an infant, got polio from the vaccine. The Pfizer 2-part epoxy, Heart Doc thinks my elevated heart rate is an after effect. I see him every 6 months for a pacemaker check, had one since April 2008.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
My high school classmates are around 62 - 64 years old. A good number of them have passed away. At 1 of the recent reunion they had a video with the faces of those that are no longer here. Quite a few didn't surprise me due to their infatuation with mind altering substances. Various cancers have claimed a bunch more. 1 of the deceased was a minor professional athlete.
Of the 23 kids that wrestled with me as freshmen, 5 are dead that I'm aware of.

Sometimes I think it's luck of the draw and genetics that determines who checks out early and who gets to stay around longer.
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Just sneakin' around....
Our class just had it's 50 year re-onion. I didn't go. I'm feeling pretty good for almost 70 and didn't want to be visually reminded what we really look like.

That, and I really disliked most of my classmates anyway.