For what its worth


Yesterday I had my latest cystoscopy and was declared "CANCER FREE". You don't really know how that feels until it happens to you. Last May, my regular DR saw some blood in a routine urine test,
sent me to a Urologist. After a few tests, he wanted to look in my bladder. Well, what do you know, I had bladder cancer. After a surgery , he came in and said " You used to smoke, now you have bladder cancer". He had lousy bedside manner. WHAT DID I DO? Changed doctors.
I got a second opinion from "University of Texas Health Science" The Doctor is a recruit from M.D.Anderson cancer center in Houston. He checked out all the former information and then asked other questions. One that stuck in my mind was------ were you ever exposed to fuels or agents? Could "AGENT ORANGE" have anything to do with this? Time will tell.
A NOTE TO ALL 60- 70 VETS Don't forget to get the urine tests, a little blood can mean bladder cancer. Its not a walk in the park, it really hurts.
I wish all can have the results that I have.

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mama to two
Thanks for sharing your journey. Hopefully, it will help others. I wish you a continued healthy recovery.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well, what do you know, I had bladder cancer. After a surgery , he came in and said " You used to smoke, now you have bladder cancer". He had lousy bedside manner. WHAT DID I DO? Changed doctors.
I got a second opinion from "University of Texas Health Science" The Doctor is a recruit from M.D.Anderson cancer center in Houston. He checked out all the former information and then asked other questions. One that stuck in my mind was------ were you ever exposed to fuels or agents? Could "AGENT ORANGE" have anything to do with this? Time will tell.
A NOTE TO ALL 60- 70 VETS Don't forget to get the urine tests, a little blood can mean bladder cancer. Its not a walk in the park, it really hurts.
I wish all can have the results that I have.


Cancer is an interesting thing. Certainly dreadful. Could it have been the smoking? The chemicals you were exposed to? Gasoline fumes of a lifetime? Heck, people in perfect health who lived a good life get cancer all the time. And they, the docs, just consistently really don't seem to know. My aunt is dying of lung cancer and has switched docs, as you did, with the second one teller her he absolutely would not have started the treatments her first one did. It's absolutely terrifying. Direct, complete opposite opinions.

Good for you rejecting one and working to find one you liked. Believing in your doc and treatments has got to be a huge part of the battle.


Surely you jest ...
Great news, stay strong. Don't forget, live every day to the fullest stopping to smell the roses.



Active Member
That's good news grandpa! I will be celebrating 18 years cancer-free this May 15th. I had occular melanoma.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Yesterday I had my latest cystoscopy and was declared "CANCER FREE". You don't really know how that feels until it happens to you. Last May, my regular DR saw some blood in a routine urine test,
sent me to a Urologist. After a few tests, he wanted to look in my bladder. Well, what do you know, I had bladder cancer. After a surgery , he came in and said " You used to smoke, now you have bladder cancer". He had lousy bedside manner. WHAT DID I DO? Changed doctors.
I got a second opinion from "University of Texas Health Science" The Doctor is a recruit from M.D.Anderson cancer center in Houston. He checked out all the former information and then asked other questions. One that stuck in my mind was------ were you ever exposed to fuels or agents? Could "AGENT ORANGE" have anything to do with this? Time will tell.
A NOTE TO ALL 60- 70 VETS Don't forget to get the urine tests, a little blood can mean bladder cancer. Its not a walk in the park, it really hurts.
I wish all can have the results that I have.


Glad you had good news and awesome about being cancer free! :yay:

My Uncle is one of the ones exposed to Agent Orange during Vietnam. Bladder cancer diagnosed several years ago, surgery to remove his bladder, and is now hooked to a bag. His three children, all born after his Army stint, each have major health issues that are quite unusual in people their age. Do I think there is a cause and effect? Hell yes! But trying to get the "government" to fess up to what that did to their soldiers and take responsibility is close to Mission Impossible.