US Attorney Former Child Protective Officer Sentenced to Over Seven Years in Federal Prison for Receipt and Possession of Child Pornography


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Press Release: U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland

U.S. District Judge Stephanie A. Gallagher sentenced Haitian national Jean Buteau Remarque, age 40, of Greenbelt, Maryland, today to 90 months in federal prison, followed by 10 years of supervised release, for two counts of receipt of child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography. The jury convicted Remarque late on March 25, 2021 after a four-day trial. Judge Gallagher also ordered that, upon his release from prison, Remarque must register as a sex offender in the places where he resides, where he is an employee, and where he is a student, under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).

The above is only an excerpt of the article.

[ Read the rest of the article here. ]


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Better yet, when he's released from prison, deport his back to Haiti.

jesula monde

New Member
I have never seen a child pornography case in which no proscribed websites or a peer-to-peer files sharing program is involved. Federal child pornographic case always involved thousands of images and videos. At first, 100 images were posted after the jury trial. Now 311 images and 2 videos after sentencing, was sentencing a bench trial?
No consistency at all.
Poor guy!
Where is the new US attorney Mr Erek Barron?

jesula monde

New Member
Better yet, when he's released from prison, deport his back to Haiti.
Take a closer look at the informations posted before jumping to conclusion.
1. Why an external hard drive ? No peer-to-peer files sharing program is involved.

2 ".In May 2018, law enforcement received information that Remarque was engaging in sexually explicit conversations with a 15-year-old female. In addition, Remarque was believed to have sexually explicit images of prepubescent minors on his cell phone."
Only the wife saw those images of prepubescent minors and knows about the conversation with the 15-year-old female in Haiti.

This is Hearsay. This guy was framed by a scorned woman who had brought him in the U.S. His then-estranged spouse, Wanna Nedgie Crevecoeur had planted the proscribed images in a thumb drive at his residence and passed the information to her friend, Christine Carlson, a biased and corrupt special agent at the Department of Homeland Security. This case is also a shame for the U.S. attorney's office of Maryland which permits an innocent man to be wrongfully convicted through a fundamentally unfair trial riddled with prosecutorial misconduct of many sorts, lies and withholding of exculpatory evidence, while the well known criminal (Wanna Crevecoeur Dare) is still working at Prince George's Department of Family and Children."


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
a fundamentally unfair trial riddled with prosecutorial misconduct of many sorts, lies and withholding of exculpatory evidence, while the well known criminal (Wanna Crevecoeur Dare) is still working at Prince George's Department of Family and Children."
Deport her too.

jesula monde

New Member
Deport her too.
What about the bad cop?
HSI Special Agent Christine Carlson's deliberate disregard of the truth and failure to investigate.
This case is not proper criminal justice. This an extremely unusual case, involving a questionable relationship between the investigating officer (the affiant) HSI Special Agent Christine Carlson—who had made a shoddy investigation biased against the accused —and a biased estranged wife (the police informant) Wanna Nedgie Crevecoeur (alias Wanna Dare), who made a false police complaint with some fallacious and nonsensical accusations after her attempt to blackmail Remarque to leave the United States failed.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Let me guess. You did a google search on this guys name. This thread showed up. You created an account so you could comment. I admire your tenacity.


Well-Known Member
Oh, look who got a new face for Christmas!!! Little Double H has a new name!!! Did you get some apples and candy canes too "Jeslua"?

jesula monde

New Member
Let me guess. You did a google search on this guys name. This thread showed up. You created an account so you could comment. I admire your tenacity.
Of course the accused was my classmate, and as a law student, I have a special interest in this matter.
Information pertaining to any criminal case including, but not limited to motions, court rulings, transcripts of proceedings, documents, recordings and other materials that have been received in evidence at public hearings or proceedings are public record. It is very fortunate that this case has not ended with a plea bargain as usual. Therefore, law enforcement's lies, concocted facts, fabricated evidence, shoddy and biased investigation made have been exposed.
We are following the outcome of this case with a special interest, sorry if speaking freely and exposing the truth to the public bother you.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Of course the accused was my classmate, and as a law student, I have a special interest in this matter.
Information pertaining to any criminal case including, but not limited to motions, court rulings, transcripts of proceedings, documents, recordings and other materials that have been received in evidence at public hearings or proceedings are public record. It is very fortunate that this case has not ended with a plea bargain as usual. Therefore, law enforcement's lies, concocted facts, fabricated evidence, shoddy and biased investigation made have been exposed.
We are following the outcome of this case with a special interest, sorry if speaking freely and exposing the truth to the public bother you.
Doesn't bother me 1 bit. I have no dog in the fight. I hope you will enlighten us further as it seems you are keenly aware of more facts when compared to the press release.

jesula monde

New Member
You are going to watch him go to jail? Cool.
Are you a "short eyes" too?
"You are going to watch him go to jail? Cool."
Don't worry! Justice always prevails. Sooner or later someone will take his place when proper justice is done.
"Are you a "short eyes" too?"
I know that some of you are "experts" in false accusations, speculation, guesswork and nonsense. You are ready to accuse me even if you don't know anything about me.
This guy Remarque has been under investigation for 3 1/2 years based on false accusations made by a scorned woman and the prosecution has been unable to present a single piece evidence to demonstrate that he had engaged in any inappropriate conduct whether abroad or in the U.S. All his former employers stood up for him because he has no prior involvement in anything of such nature. And also he did not have no direct contact with any kids, his job was negotiating with governments on behalf of child soldiers.
I have never seen a case where the Government is hiding its own witness or moved in Limine to Exclude its own "overwhelming evidence." (Please check the docket) It was a profoundly shoddy investigation made by a biased and incompetent officer. This is unprecedented!

jesula monde

New Member
are you a card carrying member of the Rene Guyon Society?
Nope, I am just a tax payer and a concerned citizen who is fighting against injustice and police's connivance with inherently unreliable criminals used as Informant to frame innocent people, which is exactly what this case is about.
The U.S. jails are already full of innocents compelled to plead guilty for crimes they did not commit. We just need a fair and just criminal system where dirty cops are held accountable for their misconduct.
I also believe in Karma, therefore, I would be never associated with any injustice.
A respectable and honest police officer does not need to lie under oath, concealed exculpatory evidence or present false forensic evidence to secure a conviction.