US Attorney Former Federal Employee Pleads Guilty to Receiving Unauthorized Compensation for Work He Was Supposed to Provide to the Public as Part of His Job


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Press Release: U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland

U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles B. Day today sentenced Gerald F. Luchansky, age 82, of Annapolis, Maryland, to four months of home detention as part of one year of probation and ordered him to pay a $5,000 fine, after Luchansky pleaded guilty to receipt of unauthorized compensation by a government employee. Luchansky, a former employee of the National Archives and Records Administration, admitted that he accepted compensation from two different companies for work that he was supposed to provide to members of the public for free.

The above is only an excerpt of the article.

[ Read the rest of the article here. ]


Well-Known Member
82 years of age, 5000.00 fine, 4 months home detention...

yet, destroying National Monuments, assaulting police officers, burning storefronts, looting gun shops by 27 year old illegal aliens, who are NEVER fined, in most cases charges DROPPED and dont even get home detention.