Former stripper Alexandra Hunt running for Congress as soft-on-crime candidate


PREMO Member
Alexandra Hunt, 28, stripped during college “to pay the bills,” she wrote recently in Daily Kos.

And not only is she unapologetic about her former career, she has made it part of her campaign message. Her campaign website offers T-shirts reading “I MAY HAVE DANCED FOR MONEY BUT I’M NO CORPORATE WHORE” and “Elect Hoes.”

She used to fear the “age-old stigma” attached to sex work, and said she was fired as a girls’ soccer coach when the team found out. But now she’s shouting about it from the rooftops — and hopes to decriminalize sex work.

Congressional hopeful Alexandra Hunt has admitted to “having an abortion” and being sexually assaulted.


A Whore is still A WHORE


Well-Known Member
I don't hold her working as a stripper or even a prostitute against her.
But her platform of turning loose criminals and no bail is definitely not an idea I agree with.
Haven't we seen enough of that to know it doesn't work?
She obviously endorses abortion since she has already killed on fetus.

She is running in Philadelphia's third district where I cannot vote against her anyway, but IMO the country doesn't need a liberal stripper to go with the liberal bartender AOC, and the 2 Muslims that we already have in Congress.

But WTH we all know being a politician and whoring for lobbyists beats the hell out of working for a living.
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Well-Known Member
She has to run for office. All of Prince Charles sons are already married. Besides, it worked out ok for our VPOTUS.

black dog

Free America
Alexandra Hunt, 28, stripped during college “to pay the bills,” she wrote recently in Daily Kos.

And not only is she unapologetic about her former career, she has made it part of her campaign message. Her campaign website offers T-shirts reading “I MAY HAVE DANCED FOR MONEY BUT I’M NO CORPORATE WHORE” and “Elect Hoes.”

She used to fear the “age-old stigma” attached to sex work, and said she was fired as a girls’ soccer coach when the team found out. But now she’s shouting about it from the rooftops — and hopes to decriminalize sex work.

Congressional hopeful Alexandra Hunt has admitted to “having an abortion” and being sexually assaulted.


A Whore is still A WHORE
All dancers are whores? Who knew...

black dog

Free America
pffft..Total BS. I know several very successful women who were dancers to pay their way through college etc. The money was excellent and the hours meshed well with their overall schedule.
I know one, we went through school together. Double row home with off street parking on M st by 25.
A place on the gulf and a few very nice german cars. Never married and no kids.
Shes done very well for herself..


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I know one, we went through school together. Double row home with off street parking on M st by 25.
A place on the gulf and a few very nice german cars. Never married and no kids.
Shes done very well for herself..
One I knew in Baltimore was an RN working on her Master's. Another was working toward her BA at UMBC and some years later got her PhD. Still another was an insurance agent with two kids, single Mom, and liked all the extra income. And so on...


If I may ...
If I may ...

All political bodies in the US have been infiltrated. Here's Charles Schwab admitting to penetrating Canada's government. Doesn't need to mention the US because that was accomplished long ago.


black dog

Free America
One I knew in Baltimore was an RN working on her Master's. Another was working toward her BA at UMBC and some years later got her PhD. Still another was an insurance agent with two kids, single Mom, and liked all the extra income. And so on...
I posted before my son was dating a girl that lives in Vegas. Shes 2 years into her RN, she dances two nights a week. Sat & Sun I believe,
That takes care of her apt in Henderson, car payment, school and all other needs.

My bestie went to Law School at UMBC next to UM Hospital, I tease her all the time if she worked at Kanes Touch of Class at the top of Balt st just below the under ground parking.