Former Trump campaign advisor Stephen Moore: ‘We knew we weren’t going to get 5% growth’


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Former Trump campaign advisor Stephen Moore: ‘We knew we weren’t going to get 5% growth’
President Donald Trump is an “exaggerator” who knew his policies wouldn’t generate the 5% growth he had promised while campaigning, according to Stephen Moore, who served as a campaign advisor to Trump and was a prospective Fed nominee.

In an interview with Mehdi Hasan, columnist at The Intercept, Moore stopped just short of calling the president a liar, but did say Trump hurts himself with falsehoods.

“He should stop saying things that are untrue,” Moore says in a clip from Al Jazeera English television show that Hasan provided on his Twitter feed.

So the only people who didn't know that we would not get 5% growth were the "informed" ingorati types!! Hey Gilligan, you listening?? If a complete economic neophyte like Stephen Moore can understand that the US won't reach sustained 5% growth rate, you should have too with all your education!!!

Moore agrees that Trump lies, but doesn't think Trump is a liar. This is straight out of the Spitbubble rationalization handbook!

Here is the interview:

I am going to have to watch more of this later. It is so much fun watching Moore appear on a network other than Fox...because every other network exposes him for what he is...a complete fraud and pathetic political hack. He IS the swamp Trump is supposed to be draining!!!


Well-Known Member
Only a completely retarded idiot would've believed that.
Guess it's a good thing that 65 million patriotic Americans elected this truly fantastic President for other reasons than that...