Former U.N. Oil-for-Food Chief Benon Sevan Indicted Over Bribes From Saddam's Regime


NOT Politically Correct!!
Why am I not the least bit surprised... :coffee:

Former U.N. Oil-for-Food chief Benon Sevan has been indicted in New York federal court for allegedly taking bribes under the program from Saddam Hussein's regime, U.S. authorities announced Tuesday.

The charges, detailed in a joint press release by the FBI, the U.S. Attorney's office and the Manhattan district attorney, came over a year after former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker completed an investigation for the United Nations into the massively corrupted Oil-for-Food program that operated in Saddam's Iraq between 1996 and 2003.

According to the press release, Sevan allegedly received $160,000 generated from the sale of Iraqi oil under the program from one Ephraim Nadler, an associate who was also indicted, on behalf of the government of Iraq. The money was allegedly used to pay off overdue credit cards and bills.

Specifically, the two were charged with wire fraud, based on their depriving the United Nations of its right to Sevan's honest services; bribery concerning an organization — the United Nations that receives more than $10,000 annually from the federal government; and conspiracy to commit these offenses.



chernmax said:
Why am I not the least bit surprised... :coffee:

Former U.N. Oil-for-Food chief Benon Sevan has been indicted in New York federal court for allegedly taking bribes under the program from Saddam Hussein's regime, U.S. authorities announced Tuesday.

The charges, detailed in a joint press release by the FBI, the U.S. Attorney's office and the Manhattan district attorney, came over a year after former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker completed an investigation for the United Nations into the massively corrupted Oil-for-Food program that operated in Saddam's Iraq between 1996 and 2003.

According to the press release, Sevan allegedly received $160,000 generated from the sale of Iraqi oil under the program from one Ephraim Nadler, an associate who was also indicted, on behalf of the government of Iraq. The money was allegedly used to pay off overdue credit cards and bills.

Specifically, the two were charged with wire fraud, based on their depriving the United Nations of its right to Sevan's honest services; bribery concerning an organization — the United Nations that receives more than $10,000 annually from the federal government; and conspiracy to commit these offenses.

This has been a painfully slow investigation. I can't believe folks don't see more into this as being the reason they (the UN) were against the invasion. They aimed to lose, big-time, in bribes.


NOT Politically Correct!!
PsyOps said:
This has been a painfully slow investigation. I can't believe folks don't see more into this as being the reason they (the UN) were against the invasion. They aimed to lose, big-time, in bribes.

Yes and if I remember correctly, Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan brother and son made some pretty good money in this racket as well.


I don't see how a US court can idict a UN diplomat who is not a citizen of the US. Not that they all shouldn't be sent to Abu Grab for a hemp necktie.