Fort Worth School Board Racial Equity Committee member doxxed parents who sued to stop mask mandate


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Fort Worth School Board Racial Equity Committee member doxxed parents who sued to stop mask mandate

School board adviser released personal information on parents, writing, 'Internet do your thang'

A member of the Fort Worth, Texas, school board's Racial Equity Committee doxxed parents by publishing their addresses and phone numbers online.

"She doxxed us. … She said, ‘Internet do your thing.’ I got 17 voicemails at my work from one person," Kerri Rehmeyer, a Fort Worth mother who sued the school district to block a mask mandate, told Fox News. She was referencing Norma Garcia-Lopez, the co-chair of the Racial Equity Committee at Fort Worth Independent School District.

Garcia-Lopez does not serve on the school board, but the Racial Equity Committee advises the board. A board member appointed her to the committee, and some board members serve with her on the committee.



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PREMO Member
I meant that above ^ - as far as I know, the purpose of "doxxing" is the same - to reveal information in the hopes that someone ELSE will take matters into their own hands and HURT the person doxxed, because such efforts are usually accompanied by assertions of blame.

They want to HURT someone - hopefully brutally or fatally - without the stain of blood on their own hands.

In the case of juries - they don't want jurors to be persuaded by logic and facts. The point is to terrorize them, to intimidate them by fear.

What I don't understand is the mindset that believes that somehow, justice is thwarted, so the way to tip the scales "where they 'should' be" is to brutalize, attack, terrorize people into voting how you want. Compelling people under threat of violence isn't justice by any definition.

What STILL BAFFLES ME is how this entire issue is STILL warped by some kind of unbelievable pretzel logic to be about white supremacy. Because the case has nothing to do with race. No one was anywhere, because of race. The guys that were shot were the worst kinds of people you'd ever want representing your side of an issue. Rosenbaum went to jail for almost a dozen counts of raping little boys - so - it's racial because a white pedophile drove up to your city to - I don't know, be a social justice warrior? The video and evidence makes it clear, he intended to harm RIttenhouse. That's why Kyle was cleared. Are they trying to claim he's some kind of hero for attacking Rittenhouse - a guy who what, served ten years for raping little boys? Pedophiles are so revolting, even OTHER PRISONERS want to kill them. He's a hero?


PREMO Member
Because the case has nothing to do with race. No one was anywhere, because of race.

Sure it does .....

AntiFA / BLM was there to Loot and Burn down minority owned business in the name of racial justice for Blake ... Kyle stoiod in the way and shot several of them, therefor opposing AntiFA's Actions is to support White Supremacists who shot Blake therefor Kyle is a Crypto Nazi or White Supremacist

He's a hero?

Yep he attacked a Fascist [ remember kiddies AntiFA is Anti fascist ]


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sure it does .....

AntiFA / BLM was there to Loot and Burn down minority owned business in the name of racial justice for Blake ... Kyle stoiod in the way and shot several of them, therefor opposing AntiFA's Actions is to support White Supremacists who shot Blake therefor Kyle is a Crypto Nazi or White Supremacist

Yeah I read an article yesterday that idiotically claimed that when those guys protested on behalf of BLM, they obviated their own "whiteness" - I could only stomach a few paragraphs of it, because it was so rife with anti-white bigotry .