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DATE: December 23, 2020
CONTACT: Diane Richardson
Media Relations Office
(301) 609-6557 or (240) 682-1658
Charles County Sheriff Troy D. Berry is pleased to announce that four CCSO employees were recently honored with prestigious awards from the Maryland Sheriff’s Association (MSA). Master Sgt. Augustus “Gus” Proctor was named Deputy of the Year and Sgt. Matthew Kline, Cpl. Justin Davis, and CFC Michael Keeler were named Corrections Officers of the Year by the MSA for their work and commitment to the CCSO and the Charles County community. “I am extremely proud of the work these individuals have done throughout their career and especially over the last year. They are dedicated to not only their goals as officers but to our communities as well,” said Sheriff Berry.
M/Sgt. Proctor, a 30-year-veteran, was named Maryland Sheriff’s Association Deputy of the Year in the field of Community Service. He was selected for his dedication to Special Olympics, Maryland. In 2006, M/Sgt. Proctor took on the role as the Agency’s Special Olympics Maryland, Law Enforcement Torch Run coordinator – this is collateral duty to his regular sworn assignment. “Gus hit the ground running,” said Sheriff Berry. “He really immersed himself in the sales of the Torch Run T-shirts as a fundraiser for Special Olympics, Maryland. In 2019, M/Sgt. Proctor led the way and helped raise $77,000 in T-shirt sales; the year prior $60,000 and overall, since 2006, he has helped raise over $500,000. Further, he works tirelessly to raise awareness of inclusion of special athletes everywhere,” said Sheriff Berry. M/Sgt. Proctor also represents the Agency at numerous Special Olympic events such as the Polar Bear Plunge, summer games, and the winter games, often on his own time. He has become friends with many of the athletes and their families and often recognizes them on his social media platforms. M/Sgt. Proctor has been honored by several organizations for his dedication and effort to Special Olympics, Maryland to include serving as the representative from Maryland at the USA Summer Special Olympics games located in Seattle Washington and receiving an award from the Charles County Chapter of the NAACP.
Corrections Officers of the Year went to Sgt. Kline, Cpl. Davis, and CFC Keeler for their dedication to enhancing inmate safety by working on suicide prevention at the detention center. The officers examined every area of the facility in which inmates could potentially have access and determined if there were ways to eliminate anything that could potentially be used in a suicide attempt. “The officers, who are skilled carpenters, identified areas and made adjustments. Their work was well thought-out and they were able to accomplish all of the tasks quickly and thoroughly. Their capabilities saved the agency a few hundred thousand dollars and will benefit the detention center for years to come,” said Brandon Foster, Director of the Detention Center. “The work ethic and professionalism Sgt. Kline, Cpl. Davis, and CFC. Keeler display on a daily basis is exemplary. They are true leaders and motivators. They truly care about the well-being of the people who are remanded here and they put a lot of thought, time and consideration into this project to ensure we eliminated as much risk as possible,” Foster said.
Each year, the Maryland Sheriff’s Association recognizes Sheriff’s and Corrections staff who go beyond the call of duty by providing superior service to the agency and the communities in which they serve. For more information about the MSA, visit www.mdsheriffs.org.
CONTACT: Diane Richardson
Media Relations Office
(301) 609-6557 or (240) 682-1658
Charles County Sheriff Troy D. Berry is pleased to announce that four CCSO employees were recently honored with prestigious awards from the Maryland Sheriff’s Association (MSA). Master Sgt. Augustus “Gus” Proctor was named Deputy of the Year and Sgt. Matthew Kline, Cpl. Justin Davis, and CFC Michael Keeler were named Corrections Officers of the Year by the MSA for their work and commitment to the CCSO and the Charles County community. “I am extremely proud of the work these individuals have done throughout their career and especially over the last year. They are dedicated to not only their goals as officers but to our communities as well,” said Sheriff Berry.
M/Sgt. Proctor, a 30-year-veteran, was named Maryland Sheriff’s Association Deputy of the Year in the field of Community Service. He was selected for his dedication to Special Olympics, Maryland. In 2006, M/Sgt. Proctor took on the role as the Agency’s Special Olympics Maryland, Law Enforcement Torch Run coordinator – this is collateral duty to his regular sworn assignment. “Gus hit the ground running,” said Sheriff Berry. “He really immersed himself in the sales of the Torch Run T-shirts as a fundraiser for Special Olympics, Maryland. In 2019, M/Sgt. Proctor led the way and helped raise $77,000 in T-shirt sales; the year prior $60,000 and overall, since 2006, he has helped raise over $500,000. Further, he works tirelessly to raise awareness of inclusion of special athletes everywhere,” said Sheriff Berry. M/Sgt. Proctor also represents the Agency at numerous Special Olympic events such as the Polar Bear Plunge, summer games, and the winter games, often on his own time. He has become friends with many of the athletes and their families and often recognizes them on his social media platforms. M/Sgt. Proctor has been honored by several organizations for his dedication and effort to Special Olympics, Maryland to include serving as the representative from Maryland at the USA Summer Special Olympics games located in Seattle Washington and receiving an award from the Charles County Chapter of the NAACP.
Corrections Officers of the Year went to Sgt. Kline, Cpl. Davis, and CFC Keeler for their dedication to enhancing inmate safety by working on suicide prevention at the detention center. The officers examined every area of the facility in which inmates could potentially have access and determined if there were ways to eliminate anything that could potentially be used in a suicide attempt. “The officers, who are skilled carpenters, identified areas and made adjustments. Their work was well thought-out and they were able to accomplish all of the tasks quickly and thoroughly. Their capabilities saved the agency a few hundred thousand dollars and will benefit the detention center for years to come,” said Brandon Foster, Director of the Detention Center. “The work ethic and professionalism Sgt. Kline, Cpl. Davis, and CFC. Keeler display on a daily basis is exemplary. They are true leaders and motivators. They truly care about the well-being of the people who are remanded here and they put a lot of thought, time and consideration into this project to ensure we eliminated as much risk as possible,” Foster said.
Each year, the Maryland Sheriff’s Association recognizes Sheriff’s and Corrections staff who go beyond the call of duty by providing superior service to the agency and the communities in which they serve. For more information about the MSA, visit www.mdsheriffs.org.
- First attachment from left to right: Captain Caroline Baker, M/Sgt. Gus Proctor, Sheriff Troy Berry
- Second attachment from left to right: Director Brandon Foster, CFC Michael Keeler, Cpl. Justin Davis, Sgt. Matthew Kline, Sheriff Troy Berry
Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: https://so.md/presumed-innocence. Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at https://so.md/mdcasesearch . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at https://so.md/expungeme.