Fox "News" vs the "MSM"


Well-Known Member
At 9pm last night I am switching channels...between the dreaded "MSM" (CNN and MSNBC) with their "fake news" and Fox "News".

It is always interesting to see what the difference is:

CNN: the first topic of discussion is the escalation of the trade issues between the US and China with the resulting impact on the stock markets.

MSNBC: the Amazon is burning

Fox: James Comey!!!!!!!!!!

The only channel that is discussing a story that actually impacts the day to day lives of every American is the one you freaks on the far right hate the most. The only station pitching a story that has nothing to do with the day to day lives of avg Americans is the station you all claim is "Fair and Balanced"!!! :killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme

At 6am this morning,

CNN begins the hour by reporting from France on the pending arrival of our inept, incompetent and unfit President at the G7. The discussion includes the slowing global economy that is resulting from Trump's tariffs, Trump's continued odd demand that Russia be allowed back into the G7 (with footage from Russian TV proclaiming what a penitent loser Trump is for making the demand.

Fox "News" starts its morning show by highlighting the headlines of news outlets about Trump's difficulties with the other G7 leaders! The three chuckleheads parroting back and forth this "we need to support the President" garbage. ("Garbage" because that is not the Fox "News" mantra when a person with a D after their name is Pres.)


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Let's give free health care and free college tuition to illegals. That will fix everything.