Franken v. O'Reily


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Old news.

And the crowd clearly thought Franken was WAY over the top, carrying on like Michael Moore - they were booing Franken, who was nearly hysterical. By comparison, O'Reilly was cool and calm, but told him to shut up and sit down after he'd gone WAY past his allotted time.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
So much for Mr. No-Spin
What are you up to Dems? O’Reilly’s show is the “No Spin Zone” but this was some other hosted panel talk show. Is O’Reilly locked into this mode at all times?

I think Al Franken is an idiot too, big deal. Did you see any of the talk show? I caught clips and Franken was an idiot. Is that what you are upset about or gloating over. Or was it this quote “Franken said it's time for liberals ''to stop taking it'' and to call conservatives on their lack of civility”? Sounds like typical Franken sniveling and whining to me (kind of like not spelling O’Reilly’s name correctly).


I caught the entire exchange "Live" on Cspan (I have no life). I don't know what show you were watching Sam, but that audience was definately on Franken's side. I don't remember much booing of his comments, but I do remember a lot of ill-deserved applause.

What got O'Reilly was that Franken spent most of his time at the podium calling O'Reilly a liar because, and solely because, of O'Reilly calling an award that he had gotten years ago, a Peabody I think, a Pulitzer when interviewed about Inside Edition a long time ago.

O'Reilly's point was that if that's all Franken's got to base the charge of being a liar on, he's wasting his breath. Even the other liberal on the panel said that a Peabody is a highly distinguished award to get.

What REALLY rubbed me was that Franken is one of the biggest defenders of Liberals when they get caught in major lies, and then he wants to nitpick O'Reilly for mistaking a Peabody for a Pulitzer.

What was really behind this was Franken went wayyyyyy out of his way to pi$$ O'Reilly off in order to get some publicity for his lame-a$$ book, and O'Reilly gave him exactly what he wanted.