Freak Accident Kills Zebra At Virginia Zoo


NORFOLK, Va. -- A young zebra at the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk has died in a freak accident involving a rabies shot.

Zoo spokeswoman Alison Swank said zookeepers administered the shot with a blow dart gun, but the zebra bolted, struck a fence and fell backward.

Swank said the zebra was having trouble breathing and died within minutes Friday from a broken neck.

Zoo staffers are grieving over the loss of the animal, a 1-year-old named Robin.

Another Virginia Zoo zebra named Zeke also had his share of troubles. He once chased a rhino into a moat, where it drowned. He also escaped his exhibit and tangled with a lioness. He was later shipped off to a wildlife park in Ohio.

Robin had arrived at the zoo in July with her half-sister, Bonnie, as companions for the zoo's last remaining zebra, April. April and Zeke's daughter, Ariana, died last spring after being struck by lightning.



I've been to the Wild animal "park" in Ohio. It's a great rehab and sanctuary. Very well done, they have both types of Zebras. (did you know there were 2?)

Really loved it, and learned a lot. Are now "friends of..." to help support it.

But it sounds like the Norfolk Zoo people need to work on their exhibit. Zebras are very agressive, nosy, terrritorial creatures. Sounds like they need some help there.


New Member
PelyKat said:
I've been to the Wild animal "park" in Ohio. It's a great rehab and sanctuary. Very well done, they have both types of Zebras. (did you know there were 2?)

Really loved it, and learned a lot. Are now "friends of..." to help support it.

But it sounds like the Norfolk Zoo people need to work on their exhibit. Zebras are very agressive, nosy, terrritorial creatures. Sounds like they need some help there.
I've only seen the black and white striped ones. You say this place in Ohio also has the white and black striped variety:confused:


Actually, they are White with Brown stripes...Smarty! :lmao:

And they are smaller than the White with Black stripes. So you learned something today in the Forums. :killingme


I know I'm being a bit prickly. But I've always had a thing about Zebras. [NO! Not that kind of thing!]


jetmonkey said:
I've only seen the black and white striped ones. You say this place in Ohio also has the white and black striped variety:confused:
No, the ones from the fruit stripe gum packages :yay:

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Oh crap! Did I violate the no joke rule? :banghead: