Free Fizzy Wizzies


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Fizzy Wizzies are colorful, effervescent tablets that fizz up bath water and make kids' bath time fun and educational."


Well-Known Member
We had "fizzies" when I was a child. These however, went in a glass of water for drinking. If memory serves me, they were nasty!


Football Mom!!!
My parents have these for the kids...somehow my daughter ate one...interesting diaper to say the least!


New Member
Airgasm said:
We had "fizzies" when I was a child. These however, went in a glass of water for drinking. If memory serves me, they were nasty!
I remember those..Fizzies..and you had to all a lot of sugar to make it taste right...kinda like cool-ade in a tablet with fizz...dont think they are around anymore....