Pete said:
They must not be getting the subscribers he promised to deliver if they are having to resort to this.
No, he's not.
I read something about this a few months ago, in fact, and he's taken it as a personal insult that his loyal legions didn't follow him into the satellite world.
I think, rather, Stern overestimated his audience - not in their loyalty, but in their willingness to part with the subscription fee. Perhaps Stern believes his audience to be 30 and 40-something sophisticated professionals who start their busy go-go day in DC or New York or Chicago by listening to his show.
I have no doubts that a small portion of his audience fits that description, but unfortunately for Stern, I think the vast majority of his audience consists of college students giving each other high-fives when he gets a couple of big-hootered bimbos to kiss each other on the air. Or trailer dwelling bubbas who have their beach-towels laid out on the living room floor so they can rub themselves while Stern talks dirty to fashion models.
These people are typically unwilling or unable to sacrifice their beer money for Howard Stern.