Free Saddam! Free Saddam!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fox news, Neil Cavuto, just made a simple, clear point;

The left screams: "Bush lied! No WMD's!"

What is the next line in that chant? Where does it go?

....Free Saddam.

So, when we hear "Bush lied! No WMD's!" you can fill in the blank for yourself because the left, as messed up as they are, stop, cowardly, at the waters edge. Because when it's time to stand up for what they believe in and make it clear....



New Member
That's because they are not sure what they actually believe in. They wait for the right to voice an opinion - then go the opposite.


Asperger's Poster Child
"Free Saddam: From now through the end of the month, Ralph's House of WMDs offers a free Saddam Hussein plush doll with every chemical bomb. Don't miss this opportunity to own an authentic replica of the Butcher of Baghdad. Not only that, the first 50 customers will also receive plush dolls of the Hussein boys Qusai and Udai, complete with sports cars, Drakkar bottles and human wood chippers."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
132 signatures so far...

...I think that's kinda lame.

Howard Dean's gotta hit the streets or start holding fundraisers or something.


Larry Gude said:
...I think that's kinda lame.

Howard Dean's gotta hit the streets or start holding fundraisers or something.

"bring out your dead" comes to mind every time I think of Democrats and petitions......:killingme


Super Genius
Pete said:
New bumper sticker....

:nono: Lieberman is one of the few Democrats that supports the Iraq war. SADDAM / DEAN '08 would be more appropriate.


ylexot said:
:nono: Lieberman is one of the few Democrats that supports the Iraq war. SADDAM / DEAN '08 would be more appropriate.
I was thinking more the irony of Saddam paired with a Jewish Democrat.