Free speech


Active Member
I hope they find who tore it down and arrest them... one side of the argument is they are allowed, the other is we have soldiers dieing [for them to have the freedom to hang it up]... either way it should be allowed


Active Member
vraiblonde said:
Not they have an HOA that says take it down. :dance:
whelp, im not sure but i have a feeling if there wasnt a HOA when they moved there its kinda hard to force it on them?

My mom is on the HOA and i made a snow penis in the front yard once... she wasnt too happy, i went and kicked it down....


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
whelp, im not sure but i have a feeling if there wasnt a HOA when they moved there its kinda hard to force it on them?

My mom is on the HOA and i made a snow penis in the front yard once... she wasnt too happy, i went and kicked it down....

I think it would be more interesting to find out why you felt the need to put a penis on a snowman, then - to KICK it down...

Hmmm.... :confused:

It may be worth you looking into... Might not want to waste time voting on this little number... You may have issues of your own to explore.. :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Whatever happened to being considerate of your neighbors and the people around you?

Effing liberals - I hate their guts, every single one of them.


The hamster litter reject
vraiblonde said:
Whatever happened to being considerate of your neighbors and the people around you?

Effing liberals - I hate their guts, every single one of them.

They're not all that bad...saying such things makes one look silly (I'm on the fence, so I'll sympathize with conservatives and liberals at times). Besides, that would mean you would hate about 45% of everyone you meet. :peace:

For someone to put up such a thing in front their house is idiotic. As said earlier, they either have or are soon going to face a decent amount of property damage (unjustified or not). Also, as you said, it is very inconsiderate. When I first saw that image, I interpreted it as "death to the soldiers".

Despite it being inappropriate and idiotic, it is their right to hang it up unless the HOA interferes (and good Lord...the next news story on this will be a lawsuit) or if it is deemed hazardous. We sadly also live in a country will openly display swastikas outside of their homes. These bother me much more seeing as how the people who display such symbols are openly saying they hate another race and/or religion.


vraiblonde said:
Whatever happened to being considerate of your neighbors and the people around you?

Effing liberals - I hate their guts, every single one of them.
A woman after my own heart. :huggy: I surprised someone hasn't burned their house to the ground. I think they should go to Canada with the rest of them. If you're not for this country, and behind your military and it's leaders, you don't belong here. I'm sick of people like these.


The hamster litter reject
Vince said:
If you're not for this country, and behind your military and it's leaders, you don't belong here. I'm sick of people like these.

What if Kerry had won the election? :really:


Lovin' being Texican
virgovictoria said:
It may be worth you looking into... Might not want to waste time voting on this little number... You may have issues of your own to explore.

Actually Freud has a great deal to say about this behavior. Once there was a young romance-conflicted greek by the name of Oedipus. . . .


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
hamsterfang said:
Besides, that would mean you would hate about 45% of everyone you meet.
Mmmm...actually it might be more like 98%.
What if Kerry had won the election?
We'd have done like we did during 8 years of Clinton - held our nose and kept about our business. It's what conservatives do, as opposed to liberals, who act like spoiled toddlers with their kicking, screaming and offensive behavior.

People say "free speech" an awful lot to try and defend some completely immature, ignorant and offensive action. But lots of types of expression are against the law - slander, libel, obscenity. If this guy had painted the F word all over his house, would it still be protected as "free speech" and the neighbors would just have to live with it?


The hamster litter reject
vraiblonde said:
Mmmm...actually it might be more like 98%.

We'd have done like we did during 8 years of Clinton - held our nose and kept about our business. It's what conservatives do, as opposed to liberals, who act like spoiled toddlers with their kicking, screaming and offensive behavior.

People say "free speech" an awful lot to try and defend some completely immature, ignorant and offensive action. But lots of types of expression are against the law - slander, libel, obscenity. If this guy had painted the F word all over his house, would it still be protected as "free speech" and the neighbors would just have to live with it?

98%? :whip:

Anywho, I wasn't defending this idiot's actions, I was simply saying that symbolism is protected by free speech. Of course, free speech always has its exceptions and those are enforced using local and federal laws. If the man had painted the big F on his house it would be considered vulgar and the man would most likely be forced to wash it off or paint over it (but still this depends on the HOA and the local laws). I'm not sure what the laws are for such things in this man's area, but I'm assuming someone has already called the police in an attempt to make this man take it down.

I do disagree with you on one thing, however. I think both conservatives and liberals have their whiney and obnoxious members. Have you watched Bill O'Reily lately? He is one of the biggest whiners on television. Personally, I have little respect for this man's opinons. Not because of his politcal affiliation, but because he acts like a baby at times, cutting off guests and talking until his face is damn near blue. Michael Moore is also a big whiner, complaining and complaining about the Bush administration yet he never wants to accept that most of his fellow democrats supposedly supported military action in Iraq! Point is, it is not your opinion as much as it is how you present it....


Active Member
Lenny said:
Actually Freud has a great deal to say about this behavior. Once there was a young romance-conflicted greek by the name of Oedipus. . . .
Freud never said any a single one of his patients was normal, then again they were all women :tap: :confused: :boxing:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
hamsterfang said:
Anywho, I wasn't defending this idiot's actions,
No - that's how THEY are defending their actions, by saying it's their right to "free speech".
Point is, it is not your opinion as much as it is how you present it....

Very true. But you can't even compare Bill O'Reilly to Michael Moore and those tards. Find the most outrageous quote by O'Reilly that you can come up with, and I guarantee I can find ten by Moore that will make O'Reilly's seem like Sesame Street.

O'Reilly doesn't make stuff up - he may present it a little more emphatically, but he doesn't make it up. Moore makes it up out of thin air and so do the rest of these Leftist extremists. They're still trying to say that the economy is in the crapper, that Iraq is a quagmire, that the jobless rate is enormous...all stuff that we know is crap and completely untrue.