Frequent UTI's


New Member
Please tell me someone else there is going what I am going thru..
I have had reoccuring UTI's for the last year. Seen doctor after doctor now waiting to see a uroligist.. I have gotten one almost every month. Does anyone have any suggestions?? I have heard them all.. but maybe someone has something else to offer. PLEASE ANY advice would be amazing.. I am so frustrated at this point!


What love is all about
Wipe from front to back, and peeing after sex are the two major ones. Drink Cranberry Juice. Have you been tested for any STD's? I have read that some STD's and cause frequent UTI's.


Dream Stealer
Aww man I feel for you it is awful...I had that problem for a long felt constant. My doctor ended up giving me macrobid for after :smoochy: that along with white cotton granny panties..and all fixed. i think my bc pill was contributing I changed that as well.


What love is all about
Aww man I feel for you it is awful...I had that problem for a long felt constant. My doctor ended up giving me macrobid for after :smoochy: that along with white cotton granny panties..and all fixed. i think my bc pill was contributing I changed that as well.

Birth Control is another thing I have read that can contribute. I forgot to add that and the white cotton panties. Good ideas.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Depending on your age and family history diabetes can play a part too. Diabetics are prone to UTIs so if you can't find relief in other ways try being tested for that.


Have you only tried an internal medicine DR.? Maybe you need a Urologist-someone who specializes in the urinary system. Vitamin C, and Cranberry capsules are some over the counter things you could try. :confused:


Going back to the stars
i read somewhere that cranberry juice is very good as it removes the bacteria from the walls of your bladder. The only problem is that most of the cranberry juice out there is not 100% juice and contains a lot of extra water and sugar, which can end up causing more issues. I know health food stores carry the natural stuff. Its really bitter but it works!


I have the natural stuff I think its called just cranberry or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Are you using tampons? Sometimes those can cause UTIs. Try switching to pads and see if that helps.


I was going to mention that this morning, but wasn't sure how that would be received. But since Jet broke the ice.... :lol:

His hygiene is just as important to prevent re-infection.

ummmm. I was gonna say something too but felt a little weird but oh well. Kinda on the same theme as a clean penis. Make sure your fingers are clean if know.


Wash his hands after taking a dump..

And Listerine may not be a bad idea either..

or maybe your partner has dick trickle..


Sorry OP, I have nothing more to add to the suggestions already made. I'd probably make an appointment with a specialist, though. I hope you feel better soon.


New Member
olive leaf extract tablets-2x daily.
Hope you get it sorted out.Keep drinking water throughout the day and pee after being intimate.