Friend interviewing in Crystal City, housing suggestions?


New Member
Friend of mine just called, and she is flying in on Sunday, and looking around the area on Monday for housing and such. Not sure if she's looking to rent or buy.

But what areas should she be looking in?

Any suggestions?

Thanks. Oh yea...she might be logging on here soon. I told her about the site, i just don't know if she's gonna have enough time to check it out or not. So be nice to the newbie!! :biggrin:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Ponytail
Oh yea...she might be logging on here soon. I told her about the site, i just don't know if she's gonna have enough time to check it out or not. So be nice to the newbie!! :biggrin:

:rubbinghandstogether: ahhhh ... fresh meat! :biggrin:


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Re: Re: Re: Friend interviewing in Crystal City, housing suggestions?

Originally posted by Ponytail

Let me turn around so you can aim about two feet lower. :spank: :wink:


Salt Life
If she's able to rent/buy farther south, I would aim towards Manassas, Chantilly, Ashburn, Cascades areas. However, if she'll be staying close by, housing can get expensive and she'll probably be stuck in a condo or small townhome in the Crystal City area. On a side note, she will be close to CC restaurant. :bubble:


Cleopatra Jones
I lived down thataway and worked in CC for a few years. I lived in South Alexandria (Fairfax County Alexandria not Old Town) only 10 miles from door to door. I lived in a particularly ugly neighborhood but it was cheap for the area (that's 1000 bucks a month for a 2 bed one bath condo). There are done nicer apartments/condos down that way you just have to be willing to pay for them.