Friendly Fascism




A Crisis in Democracy: Are We Going Bankrupt?

.... with the coming economic down turn / recession / depression / it is likely the Fed Executive , will grow larger it has happened in other countries ( gov getting bigger ) and we saw it here in the 1930's .... Fascism with a smile, that is where we are probably headed if Americans don't learn to control spending and debt and get this country on a solid financial footing .......

Well American Consumers quarter in and quarter out have max CC, refi'd paid off CC, only rto max them out again ..... Spending money like a drunken sailor in a whore house ( no insult intended to Sailors ) .... with housing values falling, CC dept at an all time high

[ you know something is seriously out of wack when a 12 yr old boy talks his mother into buying a $500 XBox ( the yr Xbox's 1st came out) + add ons so he can give it to one of his friends for christmas Plus the one he was getting as well - dear old mom was about to drop $ 1500 bucks on the 2 units plus extras, I was behind the pair in EB Games in Gaithersburg (wiki says the price was 299 on release, but I remember standing there thinking there is no way in hell I would be dropping 500 - 600 buck so my kid could give it away :jameo:

.... minimal manufacturing in this country anymore, we have become a Consumer Nation Sucking off of the tit of cheap goods from overseas, supporting foreign gov that are not frieldly to us, and would like nothing better than to take us down a notch if not completely take us over ....

Codenamed "Pearl Harbor II" by the Pentagon, the plan calls for a simultaneous attack on the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet in the Pacific and the disabling of communications at its headquarters at Pearl Harbor and with the Pentagon.

The plan has been uncovered by signals intelligence specialists at Britain's Government Communications Headquarters and at the equally ultra-secret National Security Agency base at Menwith Hill near Harrogate in the north of the country.

Using a state-of-the-art software program called Moonpenny, the specialists have tracked the activities of the Chinese People's Liberation Army scientists based at their underground headquarters in the Western Hills outside Beijing. The scientists have been briefed to achieve "electronic dominance" not only in the Pacific but over all China's global military rivals in the U.S., Britain, Russia and South Korea.

U.S. defense contractor in Chinese-purchase deal
3Com makes 'intrusion prevention' technology maker for Pentagon, Huawei founder is ex-PLA officer

While 3Com is small compared to other Silicon Valley technology giants, its focus on sensitive communications networks raises alarms if ownership is transferred to a foreign firm.

3Com's products include "intrusion prevention" technology that helps its customers, including the Pentagon, protect their computer networks from hackers, reported Financial Times.

As WND reported earlier this month, China has already secretly planned a cyberwar attack ? codenamed "Pearl Harbor II" by the Pentagon ? that calls for a simultaneous assault on the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet in the Pacific and the disabling of communications at its headquarters at Pearl Harbor and with the Pentagon, leaving America's key allies in the Pacific ? Japan and Taiwan ? virtually defenseless.

America's credit card debt climbs to new record

While the fallout of the subprime loan industry collapse continues to play out, momentum is gaining on another potential economic calamity: Americans now owe a record $915 billion in credit card debt, according to a new report by Moody's Investors Service.

It is Ironic how art usually imitates life, but is life going to imitate some Hollywood war movie or disaster flick ....... when the next big recession comes along or worse a depression, and we are a generation long removed from the Morals of our Grandparents that lived through the last depression ... in a me, me, me instant gratification generation .......

so while out enemies circle, awaiting our down fall, Americans blindly continuing to run ourselves deeper in debt trying to buy happiness ...........

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's save...

...the chicken little routine and deal with facts; we are already a socialist nation, friendly or otherwise.

system of social organization in which property and the distribution of income are subject to social control rather than individual determination or market forces.

Taxes; Tax policy in this country is confiscatory, socialist, to an incredible degree. It is massively tilted against the rich who, in turn, demand endless tax code favors to recoup some sense of fairness. Most people don't even pay taxes on income. Any way you look at it, funding our government is not fair, it is not understandable and it is very socialist.

Social welfare policies; They are, simply put, approached solely from the standpoint of what is 'owed' to this group or that and that 'debt' is paid directly in socialistic transfers of wealth; not in terms of opportunity or policy that favors individual freedom and responsibility, but in terms of wealth transfer.

Foreign policy; We do not control our borders in order that corporations can access cheaper labor and to grow the economy in every sector from housing to auto's to consumer products and so on. We follow economic policies with other nations, China and so forth, that directly seeks to marry US national interest to those of global corporations. We literally sell ourselves overseas. We look at every issue from a subordinate standpoint of how it would hurt us, not some other nation, in any given scenario or conflict that might disrupt stock prices.

We have invaded one nation for no apparent reason as the object, a national enemy, isn't even there anymore. We've invaded another to make it into our own image over a single product, oil, which is readily replaceable given market influences and motivations. Again, the socialistic marriage of corporation and state.

Politics; the leading contender of one party is the author of legislation that limits and in some cases silences criticism of political figures and filters it through what we refer to as the main stream media, yet another marriage of corporations and state. The other leading candidate has a voting record and public policy statements that are textbook socialist in nature and affect.

This goes on and on to even include how we view resolving our differences, our dislikes, annoyances and so forth; via governmental intervention and integration of, again, state and private affairs.

We are in popular fact, popular word, thought and deed a socialist nation. There is a simple test of this in that our founding documents, the ones politicians swear an oath to defend and protect, are derided as quaint and old fashioned and the leading proponent of these ideas, which are just that, ideas unless there is widespread belief in them, is derided as a kook and one of only a few at that.


Interesting ..... have you heard of Liberal Fascist ?

According to Goldberg, fascism in America predated the regimes of Mussolini and Hitler. He believes that Woodrow Wilson turned the United States into a “fascist country, albeit temporarily” during World War I. Americans in 1917 were reluctant to join the slaughter in Europe. Their nation hadn’t been attacked; there was no defining event — a Fort Sumter or Pearl Harbor — to rally public support. So Wilson formed the country’s first propaganda ministry, the Committee on Public Information, to teach people what they were up against. The devil became German militarism — the merciless Hun — and Americans were encouraged to lash out at those of German ancestry inside the United States. Vigilante groups arose to mete out justice and spy on fellow citizens. Congress passed draconian laws banning “abusive” and “disloyal” language against the government and its officials. The Post Office revoked the mailing privileges of hundreds of antiwar publications, effectively shutting them down. Rarely if ever in American history has dissent been so effectively stifled.

At the same time, Wilson formed numerous boards to regulate everything from the production of artillery pieces to the price of a lamb chop. The result, Goldberg argues, was the birth of a socialist dictatorship that “whipped, cajoled and seduced American industry into the loving embrace of the state.” Though partly dismantled after the war, this model, we are told, became the blueprint for Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.

maybe you confusing Conservatives with Fascists;

Socialists : The State Owns and Controls everything ....

Fascists on the other hand, allow Businesses / Manufacturing to be controlled by business owners, but dictate rules that businesses have to operate by, ie wage controls, hrs worked, perhaps even what is manufactured ..... IMHO

from WND Review:

Unlike most of his maleducated peers in the media, Goldberg rejects the historically ignorant view still dominant in American pop culture that perceives Fascism and National Socialism as right-wing political phenomena. Goldberg correctly identifies both revolutionary ideologies as being inherently of the political left; more importantly, he provides substantial documentary evidence proving his case beyond any rational doubt. And in doing so, he exposes six decades of intellectual fraud committed by American academics, 60 years of university professors averting their eyes from the historical realities and teaching the literal Stalinist line to multiple generations of college students. This is a book that not only needed to be written; it is one that is long overdue.

<snip> ......

Nor is it always an easy one, since Goldberg takes what is perhaps best described as a biographical approach to the subject rather than a methodical one; the case is made effectively, but not efficiently. However, the chaotic structure of the book is at least partially due to the historically fluid nature of fascism itself; for as Goldberg notes, the Italian Fascists were eminently pragmatic political animals, led as they were by an audacious, highly intelligent man of outstanding political gifts who was about as concerned with ideological purity as William Jefferson Clinton. It is somewhat disappointing to discover that this structural synchronicity is not a brilliant literary metaphor, but merely a fortuitous coincidence.

While it will be very difficult for even the most stubborn leftist to take serious issue with Goldberg's proper placing of historical fascism on the political spectrum, it is the controversial connection he draws between European fascism and American progressivism, which he references as the source of both Hillary Clinton's "politics of meaning" as well as George Bush's "compassionate conservativism," that will provide legitimate grounds for argument. Goldberg presents a reasonable case for this aspect of his argument, but not an entirely conclusive one, and it is clear that a more methodical approach would have likely served him better on this particular point.

I agree with what you stated, mostly, and while I believe Gov. has been mostly marching down a Socialist path as you point out .... take a look and consider Liberal Fascism ....


Larry Gude

Strung Out

...facism, as a term, is oxymoronic in context of modern, as opposed to classic, liberalism.

Modern liberalism is about group rights. Classic liberalism is about individual rights. Modern liberalism is about legislating disfavored social behavior. Classic liberalism is about freeing social behavior. Modern liberalism is about collective beliefs and ideas and education to support them. Classic is about individual thoughts and ideas and intellectual freedom.

Classic liberalism saw police as fascist in that they were used for political action. Modern liberalism sees the police in a different light as it controls so many departments nowadays.

On and on.

Conservatism has failed the country by standing largely silent through the last seven years. Modern liberalism, though not in the drivers seat, has happily gone along with the times.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'll buy that .........

..... and Fascism ?

...better to impose group policy in an individualistic nation than a marriage of government and corporations?

Look at the smoking settlement; big corporations wanted immunity from prosecution, so, they make a deal; we'll give the government $250 billion over x number of years and you, the government, disallow any new law suits.

Viola. Partners. They tried the same thing with gun manufacturers with less success because there simply wasn't enough money to bother with.

Global warming? Everyone is going 'green' these days. Not because it is good business in and of itself, but because it is good business because the government is becoming more and more in favor of the idea, never mind the science.

Is it a coincidence that the rise of Clinton coincided with the rise of the big box store across state borders? NAFTA? The rise of China? Bush 41 was no conservative. Neither, it turns out, is 43. The man actually wanted to turn our ports over to another nation and, it seems, actually thought it was a great idea!