Friends of God


Well-Known Member
Luke 15:1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee and I've already learned a few things. Thanks for keeping me in the Word.

Luke was not one of the original twelve disciples. Luke was one of the later disciples, but he was not there for the majority of what he wrote. Luke was reporting on what he investigated.

First of all, I have been hearing the word "synoptic" over the years. In context, considering who was using the word and the places I heard it, I thought it was a Catholic thing. Well, turns out it means something like "a general summary or synopsis". Matthew, an Apostle, the tax collector [government guy], Mark, the evangelist [who would cause a kerfuffle in the book of Acts], and Luke, a gentile and a physician [who studied the healings] all wrote according to what they heard from others and studied.

We already saw things were very similar in some places of the gospels of Matthew and Mark. One really glaring one was just discussed, the rolling of the stone. Matthew reported that the stone was rolled into place. Mark reported just about the same thing. They identified the women at the tomb. The women were the witnesses. Matthew and Mark also had a few stories they found on their own. Matthew would note the financial dealings. Mark would note the temple dealings. Now we are going to hear from Luke about the healings Jesus accomplished.

I wanted to know more about the author, Luke. So, I went to the "got questions" site. I found out more about him and his work when I was directed to the "parson's corner". So that's where my information is from. Check it out.... Luke also wrote the Book of Acts!!! I thought Paul wrote it. Man am I ignorant or what?!?

Luke is a physician. He's also NOT of Jewish descent. Luke was a Gentile! He's writing to "Theophilus". I had to look him up too. Turns out no one actually knows who "Theophilus" was. But his name means "friend of God". So, maybe writing to "Theophilus" was a clever literary tool to identify people like you and me who are Believers studying the Word. Believers are "friends of God" right?

Luke says, I'm writing this down so " you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught". So, this Gospel is written by a Gentile to those who are "friends of God" so that we can be certain. Luke is the third witness.
