This Space for Rent
Hey! We need money to cover the costs suffered by those hurricane victims. I can accept that. However, why does every proposal look more at harming people who work to get paid (federal employees) instead of looking at cuting bloated entitlement spending for those who don't work?! I always find it funny the politicians will quote how we have to tighten our belts and make tough choices... but they aren't suffering a penny of it! What about their own pork barrels? No! F'ing bastards! Stay away from my pay and go look in your own dirty backyards! If you want to cut payouts, cut bloated entitlements! I work for mine!
Hey! We need money to cover the costs suffered by those hurricane victims. I can accept that. However, why does every proposal look more at harming people who work to get paid (federal employees) instead of looking at cuting bloated entitlement spending for those who don't work?! I always find it funny the politicians will quote how we have to tighten our belts and make tough choices... but they aren't suffering a penny of it! What about their own pork barrels? No! F'ing bastards! Stay away from my pay and go look in your own dirty backyards! If you want to cut payouts, cut bloated entitlements! I work for mine!