Friken roller coaster drivers.......


Power with Control
Why do some folks drive like The Little Engine that Could? I get it if you have four 200lb folks in a Chevette, or Toyota Echo, but virtually nothing else should slow by 10mph on any hill around here, and then "WHEEEEEEEEE" down the other side. I almost expect to see hands out of the sunroof.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why do some folks drive like The Little Engine that Could? I get it if you have four 200lb folks in a Chevette, or Toyota Echo, but virtually nothing else should slow by 10mph on any hill around here, and then "WHEEEEEEEEE" down the other side. I almost expect to see hands out of the sunroof.


You think it's easy answering texts, reading e mails and googling 'traffic jam rt 4' while NOT spilling your double caramel machiato grande AND light a cigarette while changing the CD AND keep pace, huh???


Power with Control
You think it's easy answering texts, reading e mails and googling 'traffic jam rt 4' while NOT spilling your double caramel machiato grande AND light a cigarette while changing the CD AND keep pace, huh???

Hell, if I can do all that while at 8/10ths of balls out, they should be able to at elast keep to the limit..... well, I did stop smoking back in 2003 :) Thats helped a bunch.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hell, if I can do all that while at 8/10ths of balls out, they should be able to at elast keep to the limit..... well, I did stop smoking back in 2003 :) Thats helped a bunch.

Hey, I'm with you. If the good lord didn't want us to multitask, He wouldn't have given us a knee to steer with.



I hate people that put 2 wheels in the right hand turn lane and leave the other 2 wheels in the thru lane and slow down to make the turn. When you turn right, put the whole effin vehicle in the turn lane. :cussing:


Power with Control
I hate people that put 2 wheels in the right hand turn lane and leave the other 2 wheels in the thru lane and slow down to make the turn. When you turn right, put the whole effin vehicle in the turn lane. :cussing:

And of course, those same people quite often slow to 15 below the limit while still blocking your lane, even though the decel lane has enough room to slow from 90 safely.


You think it's easy answering texts, reading e mails and googling 'traffic jam rt 4' while NOT spilling your double caramel machiato grande AND light a cigarette while changing the CD AND keep pace, huh???
You forgot the "talking on the cell phone."


And of course, those same people quite often slow to 15 below the limit while still blocking your lane, even though the decel lane has enough room to slow from 90 safely.

Those are the ones I wish I could rear end and knock them out of the way.