Frist Beats McCain




Sat Mar 11 2006 12:50:33 ET

Facing a loss at a 2008 straw poll event this weekend, Senator John McCain of Arizona told his supporters to write in President Bush [?] as a sign of support, leaving many sputtering.

"For the next three years, with our country at war, he's our president and the only one who needs our support," McCain told nearly 2,000 party activists from 26 states gathered in Memphis.

McCain, realizing the national political media had descended on the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, moved to discredit the straw poll by asking delegates to vote for Bush, insiders claim.

Instead of stopping the momentum of Majority Leader Bill Frist - widely anticipated to win the straw poll - the move seemed to expose the McCain camp's insincerity about its position with the base.

One activist said, "McCain voted against all the Bush tax cuts... maybe he should have voted for the president then, instead of waiting for a political stunt to try and distract."

UPDATE: Frist finished first with 36.9% in the straw poll. Romney finished second with 14.4%, just under half as many votes as Frist. Activists rejected the McCain campaign shenanigans with Allen tying Bush at 3rd.

The president received numerous standing ovations - he is still very popular among activists despite bad poll numbers. Mccain finished 5th.

Wow... McCain has little support amongst Republicans... was he and the media the only ones who didn't see this coming???

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is that fair?

2ndAmendment said:
McCain is a RINO. He should really have a D after his name.

...he votes as a Republican far more often than he votes as a Democrat.

I have no love or appreciation for McCain and forever hold his absurd law defining federal regulation of free speech against him, but, a D?


Lovin' being Texican
Larry Gude said:
...he votes as a Republican far more often than he votes as a Democrat.

Ummmmm. Doesn't McCain vote as a Republican each time? I didn't know Senators were allowed to change their party affiliation with individual votes. :lmao:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...he votes as a Republican far more often than he votes as a Democrat.

I have no love or appreciation for McCain and forever hold his absurd law defining federal regulation of free speech against him, but, a D?
McCain is a fiscal and social liberal.
One activist said, "McCain voted against all the Bush tax cuts... maybe he should have voted for the president then, instead of waiting for a political stunt to try and distract."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Me and my grammar...

Lenny said:
Ummmmm. Doesn't McCain vote as a Republican each time? I didn't know Senators were allowed to change their party affiliation with individual votes. :lmao:

...what I meant was...


This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:
McCain is a fiscal and social liberal.

the same for Gulliani, but i like Gulliani much more than McCain with his idiotic Campaign Refinance legislation.

2A whats their stance on the Second?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SAHRAB said:
the same for Gulliani, but i like Gulliani much more than McCain with his idiotic Campaign Refinance legislation.

2A whats their stance on the Second?
I found this, so McCain is not too good on the 2nd.
McCain Still Trying To Gag Gun Owners From Criticizing His Anti-gun Record
-- Stop the Gag Act (S. 2128)
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place Suite 102
Springfield VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A few weeks ago, we alerted you to legislation -- introduced by anti-gun Senator John McCain (R-AZ) -- which is aimed at squelching the First Amendment rights of grassroots groups like Gun Owners of America.

That bill, S. 2128, is ostensibly aimed at dealing with some of the congressional controversies that have hit the media in recent weeks. A true reform bill would focus the spotlight on members like John McCain, who was one of the original Keating Five senators who were deeply implicated in the savings and loan scandal.

Instead, McCain began his war on real transparency in 2002 when he teamed up with anti-gun Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) to push the Incumbent Protection Act into law -- an act that stifles the ability of organizations like GOA to criticize elected officials before an election.

This is a good site to look things up. It is easy for your own legislators since you will know your zip code. . You have to have the zip code for states if you want to look up other legislators.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
McCain voted against the Gun Owners of America position on bills 17 times and for the GOA position 10 times. Again, McCain comes out as a poor supporter of the 2nd.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Gulliani is also not a pro-gun candidate.

I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been that just as a motorist must have a license, a gun owner should be required to have one as well. Anyone wanting to own a gun should have to pass a written exam that shows that they know how to use a gun, that they’re intelligent enough and responsible enough to handle a gun. Should both handgun and rifle owners be licensed...we’re talking about all dangerous weapons. - Rudy Giuliani
June 20, 2000

Giuliani Joins the War on Handgun Manufacturers

Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, following the lead of many of the nation's other large cities, announced yesterday that his administration would file its own lawsuit against handgun manufacturers, seeking tens of millions of dollars to compensate New York City for injuries and other damage caused by illegal gun use.



This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:
Gulliani is also not a pro-gun candidate.

i actually knew their stances, but i was being lazy on the legwork, figured you'd have GOA's site bookmarked with their legislation etc


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Gulliani is also not a pro-gun candidate.
The first quote is disturbing, because it reveals a basic misunderstanding - or he's just bad at analogies...

We have licenses for motorists, because in order to use the public roads, you have to be licensed to use them - it's totally legal to drive around in a car on your own property, no matter how old you are. You're being given the right to drive on a highway; it's a "privilege" granted by the government.

You always have the right to bear arms, because it's protected by the 2nd amendment. It is not "granted" by the 2nd amendment. This is a right you already possess; it can't be taken away. It is NOT a privilege extended by the government.

I don't know who I like for Prez in 2008. Romney being a Mormon still kinda spooks me.


New Member
First off, this Drudge Report story isn't entirely accurate or fair to Senator McCain. Bill Frist was expected to win the straw poll. The Southern Republican Leadership Convention was held in Tennessee, his home state, and close to 50% of the delegates were from his state. Other media outlets are highlighting that Frist underperformed to a certain degree in the straw poll. The other thing everyone is discussing is how well Governor Romney performed.

But I agree with many of you here are suggesting...Senator McCain, despite what some members of the media are saying, is still not on good terms with the Republican base. The media just love Senator McCain almost uniformly, and while some elite Republican consultants believe that he is the best shot that the party has had retaining the White House, I still maintain that he can never make it through the GOP primaries. This is not so much because he is a "liberal" as it is because he has a tendency to bash other Republicans too openly and freely.

But just to rebuke one point made by 2A...there is no way that you can actually term Senator McCain as a social and fiscal liberal. McCain has consistently received scores of 75 or more from the American Conservative Union. While you can claim that he is more moderate on gun control issues, McCain does oppose the Assault Weapons Ban, I am not sure how you could say that he's very liberal on the issue. He is firmly against abortion rights as he supports the partial-birth abortion ban and the nominations of John Roberts and Sam Alito; he opposes Roe v. Wade and says that he supports the recent law passed in South Dakota. The Christian Coalition gave McCain an 83 rating in 2005. He opposes gay marriage, but does not support amending the US Constitution because DOMA is in place and marriage has historically been left to the states. While he voted against the first round of Bush tax cuts, he recently voted to extend them. He opposed the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. He supports legislation to ban earmarks in appropriations bills. He voted against the transportation bill because of its pork spending. How can these positions be considered liberal?

I would call McCain a conservative with some hints of moderation, but he is far from being a liberal. In the end, I do not think that he is truly representative of the GOP, but he is not close to being a Democrat.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
But just to rebuke one point made by 2A...there is no way that you can actually term Senator McCain as a social and fiscal liberal.
To a real conservative, not just a Republican, McCain is a liberal. Heck, to a real conservative, i.e., strict constructionist, most Democrats and Republicans are too liberal.


I think McCain's campain in 2008 should be called the "Under The Bus" campaign, which is where he'll throw any Republican or conservative who disagrees with him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
I would call McCain a conservative with some hints of moderation
I would call him an idiot. His campaign finance legislation was just duh, duh and more duh. Guess the Commies taught him a thing or two when he was in that Vietnamese hole.

I only watch him on TV because I'm hoping that he'll lose his temper and start throwing things and punching people.