From The Patriot Digest - wow


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
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Patriot Digest No. 05-44


Dear Mr. President—A letter from Teddy Kennedy...

On Tuesday morning, an urgent correspondence from Senator Edward M. Kennedy to President George W. Bush was inadvertently delivered to the publishing headquarters of The Patriot. It seems that one of Mr. Kennedy's aides mistakenly put the letter to President Bush in a Patriot donor-support envelope—which means that the White House instead received a priority message from Sen. Kennedy with a profane "cease and desist" note addressed to your humble editorial staff.

Our editors wrestled with the legal and ethical implications of reprinting this letter for at least 60 seconds before concluding that we should disclose its contents to you, our esteemed readers, verbatim.

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the American people, I must say that we are deeply disappointed, offended in fact, with your nomination of Judge Samuel Alito for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Clearly, you're pandering to the right-wing extremists on the fringe of your party.

Yes, Alito was unanimously approved by the Senate as U.S. Attorney in 1987 and for the Circuit Court in 1990.

Yes, when Ronald Reagan nominated Alito to be a U.S. attorney in 1987, he received unanimous consent from the Senate. Yes, when your old man nominated him for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in 1990, he again received unanimous consent from the Senate. Surely by now, some right-wing Internet rag has uncovered my praise for Justice, err, Judge Alito at his confirmation hearing back then: "You have obviously had a very distinguished record, and I certainly commend you for long service in the public interest. I think it is a very commendable career and I am sure you will have a successful one as a judge."

However, he was the lone conservative voice on the Third Circuit Court back then, so I didn't view his confirmation as a threat to our Constitution.

Besides, Mr. President, you know how these back-room wink-and-nod deals are cut. Remember when we agreed to give Reagan unanimous consent for that right-wing nut case Antonin Scalia in 1986, with the understanding that you guys would show us the same favor when it was our turn? Indeed, when my good friend Ms. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former general counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union, was nominated by my good friend Bill Clinton, she received overwhelming bipartisan support from Republicans.


But now you've nominated in her place a man about whom a great deal is known. After 15 years on the appellate court, we know Alito is a dinosaur, a constitutional constructionist, somebody who can read what the Constitution actually says—and this has the American people very upset.

You and your right-wingers seem to cling to the antiquated notion that the Constitution should be interpreted as written. Well, wake up and smell the whiskey! What the American people want is a Supreme Court that will do what we, as their elected representatives, bid it to do. That's the Democratic way.

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I didn't see any notations on that site that indicated they thought this was anything but a genuine document.


Routinely Derailed
From today's issue of the Digest:

Editor's Reply: OK—Kennedy did not actually write that letter. However, all the comments in quotes were actual comments as attributed, and some of the Kennedy comments are taken, verbatim, from his press release and other comments on Alito. While the letter closely mirrors the Democrats' position on our Constitution and the Alito nomination, it was crafted by Mr. Alexander. What is most telling, however, is that some folks are convinced Kennedy did write the letter—except, of course, he would probably not admit "I left a young gal to drown when I got sloshed and drove us off that bridge—so what?" Kennedy never discusses that little indiscretion.


So I guess CBS isn't the only group that's weak on checking pedigrees of information.


Routinely Derailed
Bruzilla said:
So I guess CBS isn't the only group that's weak on checking pedigrees of information.
Mr. Alexander is, I believe, on the editorial staff of the Digest. I think he and others presumed their readers would see the piece as satire right from the beginning. That's how I saw it, so I imagine most of their readers did, too.


Railroad said:
Mr. Alexander is, I believe, on the editorial staff of the Digest. I think he and others presumed their readers would see the piece as satire right from the beginning. That's how I saw it, so I imagine most of their readers did, too.

Hmmm... I don't think so. I've seen enough political satire to know that it's standard practice to declare a piece as a parody or satire so that people know what they are reading is fake, but again... these folks didn't do that. In fact they concocted a story dealing with the acquisition of the letter that's about as bad as the secret lunch meetings for memogate.

Also, in your first post you said that it's "probably a gag", which, contrary to your statement above, tells me that you too thought it might be a real letter at first.

And, based on 2A's "Wow" title I'm thinking he thought it was true also.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
And, based on 2A's "Wow" title I'm thinking he thought it was true also.
That can't be possible. I got to
Surely by now, some right-wing Internet rag has uncovered my praise for Justice, err, Judge Alito at his confirmation hearing back then
and realized it was a joke.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I got to...

'Dear..." and called foul.

Ted Kennedy's 'hand writing' has got to look like a seismegraph reading of a 9.0

His hands shake like the poster child for Parkinsons.

He'd probably sprain his wrist trying use a keyboard.

Why, Ted Kennedy's hands are so shakey, he can't even go to the bathroom without accidentally having sex with himself.

Ted's hands are so shakey, he was trying hit a tree, not dump her in the river.

If all the power was out and all you had was Ted, you could use his hands to send out Morse code;

"G E T M E A N O T H E R D R I N K"

Ted Kennedys hands shake so bad his dentist thinks he uses an electric toothbrush.

Why...Ted Kennedy...


Kennedy was actually lucid on MTP Sunday. He wasn't stammering or choking on his words like he has been recently. During his last MTP visit he was practically incoherent. The only time he fumbled a bit was when Russert asked him why Republicans could vote for a well-defined Lib like Ginsberg but Dems couldn't respond in kind.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's rather generous of you...

Bruzilla said:
Kennedy was actually lucid on MTP Sunday. He wasn't stammering or choking on his words like he has been recently. During his last MTP visit he was practically incoherent. The only time he fumbled a bit was when Russert asked him why Republicans could vote for a well-defined Lib like Ginsberg but Dems couldn't respond in kind.

...when Ruddert Pearl Harbor'd him with the Kerry WMD comments Ted flogged out a classic disertation on how to fill space until the next question was asked;

TR: "Sen. Kennedy, what does Sen. Kerry mean by giving the President authority to go to war with Iraq?"

TK: "Well, Tim, as you know, green bahnahnas aren't as ripe as yellow ones and the American people demand that Kahl Rove be removed so that we may has the transparency that the American people demand in their government, which, of course, in terms of leadership, Iraq being the mess that it is, we must, and I will demand, as you know I voted against the war, pahking cahrs at theyahd being what it is, as all Americans will tell you..."

I'm watching this, just howling. I'll give you sober this trip our but jeez, he doesn't dance around issues; he pretends you asked him if Americans, in general, like football.