FSU former coach slams Jameis Winston


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
This guy sure was his own worst enemy. Lots of off the field shenanigans and a few sexual assaults to boot. But a star athlete gets a pass(pun intended) if he can win the big game.

Bowden: I think it’s a consensus among Florida State fans and boosters that he was an embarrassment in a lot of ways to the university. He won a lot of ball games, probably one of the best football players that ever attended Florida State, but he hurt himself off the field. The good news is that he’s young enough to get over that, ya know it? And he’s gotta do that. But he just can’t make those junior high school decisions that he made while he was in college.

Coach Bowden speaks


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
No disagreement with Bowden on that issue. I can't stand the criminoles, but have ultimate respect for Bowden. I loved it when Bowden would put the headset on on the sidelines - an almost guarantee that FSU would lose the game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is ridiculous to lay this at the feet of a spoiled, young, pampered young moron and NOT place the blame where it belongs; the school.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It is ridiculous to lay this at the feet of a spoiled, young, pampered young moron and NOT place the blame where it belongs; the school.

Surely you meant to put a :sarcasm: in there, right?

It ain't the school - it's society that pampers these athletes. I suppose if Winston had been browbeat by his mama on national TV, you would be concerned about his self esteem to his peers?

Stupid is as stupid does, and at 21 years old, you still pay the price for your stupidity. If you have an employee that is 20, and that employee does some really stupid stuff more than once, that embarrasses and puts in a bad public light your small company, would you retain them?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Surely you meant to put a :sarcasm: in there, right?

It ain't the school - it's society that pampers these athletes. I suppose if Winston had been browbeat by his mama on national TV, you would be concerned about his self esteem to his peers?

Stupid is as stupid does, and at 21 years old, you still pay the price for your stupidity. If you have an employee that is 20, and that employee does some really stupid stuff more than once, that embarrasses and puts in a bad public light your small company, would you retain them?

His self esteem means nothing to me. I don't know him. The question, as I understand it, is who is responsible for bringing this kid in and making excuses for his behavior, rewarding it, and the answer, clearly, is the school. They are the most recent large power that could say "His behavior does not warrant this reward".

As for stupid stuff, I fired two kids this afternoon that I really need but their...lack of interest...in keeping to a schedule makes them useless to me and I really like both kids. What on earth does that have to do with FSU and Winston?


Well-Known Member
He made a few stupid decisions that many college aged kids make. You can argue he got off scott free because of his role on the football team, or you can argue they came to light because of his role.

Everything that I've read since the draft (I'm a Bucs fan) says that Winston has buckled down and is ahead of all the other rookies in terms of playbook. His roommate Kenny Bell has praised him on being the "perfect roommate" and dedicated enough to work all day and stay up until 1am studying the playbook.

Truth is, Paul Finebaum said many people felt Winston was an embarrassment to FSU and asked what Bowden thought. The coach chuckled and said the above. Of course many focus on the "embarrassment" part, but it this really a "slam" against Winston? The coach stated the obvious, but considering no FSU official has ever publicly whispered a disparaging word about Winston, that's why this is such a big "issue".

It's ironic that Bobby "Free Shoes University" Bowden said it though.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
He made a few stupid decisions that many college aged kids make. You can argue he got off scott free because of his role on the football team, or you can argue they came to light because of his role.

Everything that I've read since the draft (I'm a Bucs fan) says that Winston has buckled down and is ahead of all the other rookies in terms of playbook. His roommate Kenny Bell has praised him on being the "perfect roommate" and dedicated enough to work all day and stay up until 1am studying the playbook.

Truth is, Paul Finebaum said many people felt Winston was an embarrassment to FSU and asked what Bowden thought. The coach chuckled and said the above. Of course many focus on the "embarrassment" part, but it this really a "slam" against Winston? The coach stated the obvious, but considering no FSU official has ever publicly whispered a disparaging word about Winston, that's why this is such a big "issue".

It's ironic that Bobby "Free Shoes University" Bowden said it though.

That's right. He made some really stupid decisions and mistakes that embarrassed the "criminoles of free shoe u" supporters. And justifiably so, many were angered.

We'll see how he does here. People already have the Winston watch on, and will be following and photoing him every step outside of One Buc Place. You can count on that.


Well-Known Member
That's right. He made some really stupid decisions and mistakes that embarrassed the "criminoles of free shoe u" supporters. And justifiably so, many were angered.

We'll see how he does here. People already have the Winston watch on, and will be following and photoing him every step outside of One Buc Place. You can count on that.


No doubt Lovie, Jason, and the rest of management is telling him to be on his Ps and Qs. they have, and will, invest a lot in him to not only help win, but re-energize the fan base. The easiest way to quiet the Bucs fans that hate him, is to win.