Fuel Economy Is what It's All About


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Scientists scoff at device touted as gasoline saver

By Ward Lucas

9News / Dan Weaver
The MPT SmogBuster Fuel Disc, retailing at $299, is said by a researcher to be “just a sticker and nothing else.”

A new "money-saving" device for your car won't clean the air or improve your mileage, but it might clean out your checkbook.

The MPT SmogBuster Fuel Disc is promoted across the country through multilevel marketing - a sales technique that relies on layers of distributors. But scientists at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden say the device is a waste of money.

The fuel disc is a quarter-size piece of plastic. Its promoter, OceanCity Network of Thousand Oaks, Calif., is advising its network of salespeople to stock up on the stickers.

They retail for $299 each but are discounted for people who persuade others to sell them. Upper-level members - one of whom is based in Boulder - have to buy a minimum of 10 SmogBusters for about $1,400.

The disc is to be taped or glued to the bottom of your car's gas tank. Promoters say it significantly increases gas mileage and improves air quality. They don't say how it works, beyond claiming it sends "holographic frequencies into the gas tank and changes the molecular structure of the gasoline."

"It doesn't work," says Dr. Terry Parker, a physics professor at the Colorado School of Mines. Parker and graduate student John Dane of the chemistry department tested the device for 9News.

"It's clear that it's just a sticker and nothing else," Dane said.

OceanCity Network did not respond to e-mail and phone messages requesting comment on the findings. :peace: