Full Moons have names...


This Space for Rent
January 2005
1st-3rd. Storms continue in Northeast, snow mountains, wet near and along Coast. 4th-7th. Fair, then unsettled, snow and cold New England. 8th-11th. Pleasant. 12th-15th. Stormy, then fair. 16th-19th. Wet New England. Fair, then showers Virginia, Maryland; unseasonably mild (“Juneuary?”). 20th-23rd. Fair and very cold; then clouding up. Snow West Virginia. 24th-27th. Heavy snow New England, accumulations of a foot or more. Stormy Mid-Atlantic States. 28th-31st. Fair and cold.

February 2005
1st-3rd. Wet New England, then clearing and cold. Showers Mid-Atlantic States, then clearing. 4th-7th. Fair, then snow by the 7th. 8th-11th. Stormy New England; blizzard conditions, 1 to 2 feet possible. Fair, blustery and cold follows. Snow also Mid-Atlantic, 6 to 12 inches, then turning fair. Snow returns to Virginias, Maryland by the 11th. 12th-15th. Snow New England. 16th-19th. Fair skies. 20th-23rd. Snowstorm sweeps in for Mid-Atlantic Coast. Heavy snows northern New York, Vermont, New Hampshire. 24th-28th. Fair, then unsettled. Very cold early mornings.

From the Farmers Almanac there... So, we know which days are Kwill torment days now.