Fun with math and the NCAA Brackets

I'm kinda bored waiting for a stubborn stock to do something, so ...

The 64 team NCAA tourney starts tomorrow, and I assume most people are familiar with what a NCAA bracket is.

Let's say we got every user name (call it 16,185) registered on SOMD Online to help fill out NCAA brackets. Let's also say it takes each user name one minute to fill out a complete bracket, and then they move on to a new one - no breaks, no sleep, blah, blah, blah. Let's also say that every bracket that gets filled out is unique, or is different on at least one pick than all the rest.

How long would it take us to fill out a bracket for every possible tournament outcome - so that we knew we had one perfect bracket?

(a) WTF is a NCAA bracket?
(b) about 2 minutes
(c) about 16 hours
(d) about 3 years
(e) about 2,000 years
(f) about 800,000 years
(g) about 1 billion years

Take a guess before you do the math (who am I kidding - no one is going to read this thread, let alone do the math).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm kinda bored waiting for a stubborn stock to do something, so ...

The 64 team NCAA tourney starts tomorrow, and I assume most people are familiar with what a NCAA bracket is.

Let's say we got every user name (call it 16,185) registered on SOMD Online to help fill out NCAA brackets. Let's also say it takes each user name one minute to fill out a complete bracket, and then they move on to a new one - no breaks, no sleep, blah, blah, blah. Let's also say that every bracket that gets filled out is unique, or is different on at least one pick than all the rest.

How long would it take us to fill out a bracket for every possible tournament outcome - so that we knew we had one perfect bracket?

(a) WTF is a NCAA bracket?
(b) about 2 minutes
(c) about 16 hours
(d) about 3 years
(e) about 2,000 years
(f) about 800,000 years
(g) about 1 billion years

Take a guess before you do the math (who am I kidding - no one is going to read this thread, let alone do the math).

Is this counting the play in game or not? :tap:


Nothing to see here
I'm kinda bored waiting for a stubborn stock to do something, so ...

The 64 team NCAA tourney starts tomorrow, and I assume most people are familiar with what a NCAA bracket is.

Let's say we got every user name (call it 16,185) registered on SOMD Online to help fill out NCAA brackets. Let's also say it takes each user name one minute to fill out a complete bracket, and then they move on to a new one - no breaks, no sleep, blah, blah, blah. Let's also say that every bracket that gets filled out is unique, or is different on at least one pick than all the rest.

How long would it take us to fill out a bracket for every possible tournament outcome - so that we knew we had one perfect bracket?

(a) WTF is a NCAA bracket?
(b) about 2 minutes
(c) about 16 hours
(d) about 3 years
(e) about 2,000 years
(f) about 800,000 years
(g) about 1 billion years

Take a guess before you do the math (who am I kidding - no one is going to read this thread, let alone do the math).

Are you talking bout the Men's or Women's tourney?


New Member
Heard this on Mike & Mike yesterday. They said that if every person on earth filled one nonstop it would take 43 years.


I'm kinda bored waiting for a stubborn stock to do something, so ...

The 64 team NCAA tourney starts tomorrow, and I assume most people are familiar with what a NCAA bracket is.

Let's say we got every user name (call it 16,185) registered on SOMD Online to help fill out NCAA brackets. Let's also say it takes each user name one minute to fill out a complete bracket, and then they move on to a new one - no breaks, no sleep, blah, blah, blah. Let's also say that every bracket that gets filled out is unique, or is different on at least one pick than all the rest.

How long would it take us to fill out a bracket for every possible tournament outcome - so that we knew we had one perfect bracket?

(a) WTF is a NCAA bracket?
(b) about 2 minutes
(c) about 16 hours
(d) about 3 years
(e) about 2,000 years
(f) about 800,000 years
(g) about 1 billion years

Take a guess before you do the math (who am I kidding - no one is going to read this thread, let alone do the math).

TILTED - Any bracket that has UCONN on the bottom line is a perfect bracket in my opinion...


Maryland's got Memphis in the second round. They are long and fast and are going to be far too much for the Terps after they beat Cal.

My final 4 looks like:

UNC (no brainer)
Pitt (I hate anything associated with Pittsburgh but have to go with the quality team and their strong forwards. Foul trouble might slow down Blair.)
UCONN (even though they are ranked 1, without Dyson this might be a slight upset)
Kansas (My sleeper pick for the final 4)


They're out to get us
TILTED - Any bracket that has UCONN on the bottom line is a perfect bracket in my opinion...
UConn??? :lol:

Maryland's got Memphis in the second round. They are long and fast and are going to be far too much for the Terps after they beat Cal.
Maryland is as weird of a team as any in the tourney. They could lose badly in the first round or they could make a run. Who knows.
Its (2^64)/16185/60/60/24/365 years.

Im going with g...

Yeah, a little over a billion years. But, we're not including the play-in game, and it's one per minute - not one per second - so it would be:

(2^63)/16185/60/24/365 = about 1,080,000,000


New Member
Yeah, a little over a billion years. But, we're not including the play-in game, and it's one per minute - not one per second - so it would be:

(2^63)/16185/60/24/365 = about 1,080,000,000

Ah. Haha. Apparently my math is better than reading comprehension. That is a pretty slick stat though.
Actually, there's 65 teams in the Men's and 64 in the Women's. The Men's has a play in game which get the honor of being a 16 seed.

Yeah, I know - but we specified that we were doing brackets for a 64 team tourney after the play-in game was decided.