Fundies with bullhorns disrupting local Masses


Well-Known Member
####ing chrisitan extremists.....

It never ceases to amaze me that one chrisitan group can hold such hatred and discontent towards another. Particularly when their 'church' is an offshoot of the one they are protesting.

Sounds like Westboro-types to me. No one we would associate with in any instance. I would like to see the literature.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Westboro-types to me. No one we would associate with in any instance. I would like to see the literature.

I don't know who this 'we' you are talking about is.....

Judging from the anti-catholic sentiment and threads shown in this subforum, these 'protestors' are representative of a lot more that just the WBC


Well-Known Member
I don't know who this 'we' you are talking about is.....

Judging from the anti-catholic sentiment and threads shown in this subforum, these 'protestors' are representative of a lot more that just the WBC

Obviously you don't know the "we", as in the incredibly vast majority of Protestantism that even in philosophical and doctrinal disagreement with the catholics or other religions, would never do anything so rude and uncivil to others of a different belief, either during services or just one on one contact. All youse good catholics in the heartland of radical catholicism - i.e., Maryland - are really touchy-feely sensitive to any kind of disagreement, much less criticism, of your belief and doctrinal system.

I'd like to see the pamphlets put out by these people, and even if it corresponds with Biblical teachings, their method of getting out their voice is way wrong and way out of line.

Is that OK with you?


New Member
I think everyone is touchy-feely about their own particular belief and doctrinal system. I don't think anyone walks around and says "I am a Southern baptist, but please come up to me and argue with me why I am wrong and going to Hell." Your beliefs are something that if you take the time to have them mean very much to you. If they don't mean a lot to you than you are probably not very sincere in your belief of them.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone is touchy-feely about their own particular belief and doctrinal system. I don't think anyone walks around and says "I am a Southern baptist, but please come up to me and argue with me why I am wrong and going to Hell." Your beliefs are something that if you take the time to have them mean very much to you. If they don't mean a lot to you than you are probably not very sincere in your belief of them.

Agreed, to the point that people have the ability to understand that others will disagree with you on occasion, and maybe criticize a bit. Nothing wrong with that, and no need to get bent out of shape about it. Probably the 99 percentile plus of any Protestant or Catholic church meeting would never do what these people have apparently done lately.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you don't know the "we", as in the incredibly vast majority of Protestantism that even in philosophical and doctrinal disagreement with the catholics or other religions, would never do anything so rude and uncivil to others of a different belief, either during services or just one on one contact. All youse good catholics in the heartland of radical catholicism - i.e., Maryland - are really touchy-feely sensitive to any kind of disagreement, much less criticism, of your belief and doctrinal system.

I'd like to see the pamphlets put out by these people, and even if it corresponds with Biblical teachings, their method of getting out their voice is way wrong and way out of line.

Is that OK with you?

Its disingenuous BS, that's all it is. You and many others here regularly attack Catholics and are often uncivil to them here. The 'we' you are talking about only have the balls to criticize another mans faith if they aren't face to face.

Those good Catholics don't share your need for decisiveness. They are content enough in their beliefs that they don't need to denigrate others'.


Well-Known Member
Its disingenuous BS, that's all it is. You and many others here regularly attack Catholics and are often uncivil to them here. The 'we' you are talking about only have the balls to criticize another mans faith if they aren't face to face.

Those good Catholics don't share your need for decisiveness. They are content enough in their beliefs that they don't need to denigrate others'.

You have apparently, again, missed the entire point of my two previous posts on this topic - the way those people went about their "mission" was the wrong way to get their message out. Understand?

If you mean "by attacking Catholics" you mean simply disagreeing and being an apologetic for what the Bible preaches, so be it - I'm the aggressor. The rest of you post is just you - idiotic. You want to get face to face? Could you handle being shown what the Bible actually preaches with no add on's or traditions implemented over the last 17 centuries?

Catholics and Protestants will always agree to disagree on the major tenant of the Bible - salvation. I'm down with that.



Bead mumbler
Catholics and Protestants will always agree to disagree on the major tenant of the Bible - salvation. :killingme:killingme

Yes because certainly all Protestants are in agreement on everything with each other including salvation...said no one ever!


Well-Known Member
Yes because certainly all Protestants are in agreement on everything with each other including salvation...said no one ever!

onel - no, we are not. You know that. I, and many, disagree on what other non-catholic groups believe as well. Not being able to read what the Word says and what words mean in context of surrounding or other passages is nothing new on any side of the aisle. Your past synod proves that as well. That is why I want to read the pamphlets these people distributed. I was wondering when you would pop in on your thread.

Now will this response be interpreted by some as an attack on catholicism?
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Well-Known Member
You have apparently, again, missed the entire point of my two previous posts on this topic - the way those people went about their "mission" was the wrong way to get their message out. Understand?

If you mean "by attacking Catholics" you mean simply disagreeing and being an apologetic for what the Bible preaches, so be it - I'm the aggressor. The rest of you post is just you - idiotic. You want to get face to face? Could you handle being shown what the Bible actually preaches with no add on's or traditions implemented over the last 17 centuries?

Catholics and Protestants will always agree to disagree on the major tenant of the Bible - salvation. I'm down with that.


Its not your place to criticize or ridicule anyone else's religion, just like it isn't theirs, regardless of the approach used.

I mean attacking Catholics as in attacking the their beliefs, many times based on erroneous claims. I play nice while I am in the religion forum because I do not want to offend nice people. However, if you want to get down to brass tacks I sure can. You just need to be prepared for a discussion about the fallacy of your position. The entire new testament, your book of choice, is a bunch of add-on's to the old testament. Not only that, those ad on's you approve of were selected by a group of men, just like the ones you don't approve of. Maybe you can show in the scripture where it sys that a group of clergy can get together and decide to add a completely new belief system to the holy book.

Once we get done with those pleasantries we can move on to the really good stuff. The who actually wrote the new testaments and what were their motivations.

Or we can just agree to not criticize others religion/denominations :yay:


mama to two
Its not your place to criticize or ridicule anyone else's religion, just like it isn't theirs, regardless of the approach used.

I mean attacking Catholics as in attacking the their beliefs, many times based on erroneous claims. I play nice while I am in the religion forum because I do not want to offend nice people. However, if you want to get down to brass tacks I sure can. You just need to be prepared for a discussion about the fallacy of your position. The entire new testament, your book of choice, is a bunch of add-on's to the old testament. Not only that, those ad on's you approve of were selected by a group of men, just like the ones you don't approve of. Maybe you can show in the scripture where it sys that a group of clergy can get together and decide to add a completely new belief system to the holy book.

Once we get done with those pleasantries we can move on to the really good stuff. The who actually wrote the new testaments and what were their motivations.

Or we can just agree to not criticize others religion/denominations :yay:

Well, I call that debate round in your favor because you didn't use any derogatory words, such as idiotic. I will have to rethink what I think of you. It is favorable, if you care. That was a really good retort.