Fundrasing Ideas Please.



I am riding in the Tour De Friends bike ride from Raleigh, NC to DC in June. I need ideas to raise money for my required amount. So if you have any ideas I would love it.


Bake sale
yard sale
email all your buddies begging for donations (my favorite) :rolleyes:


Originally posted by bluto
What charity are the Super Friends supporting?

There are three of them taht will be benefited. Food for Friends which serves all the counties in MD bringing food to the AIDs and cancer patients. I am trying to get an approximate number so that I can use that in my fundraising efforts. They also do grocery shopping for them.

The Fan Free clinic which is a free clinic for AIDs patients in Richmond, VA.

One charity in NC which I am not sure which one it is. Also to do with AIDS patients.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do it the traditional way - hit up local businessmen to sponsor you. In exchange for a $$ amount, they can put their logo on your bike or your clothing. Or am I off-base on what kind of fundraiser you're shooting for?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I understand that private and personal massages can make a lot of money for a talented person. :lmao:

I’m sure that would stir up some interest from quite a few that frequent the forums.


Originally posted by Ken King
I understand that private and personal massages can make a lot of money for a talented person. :lmao:

I’m sure that would stir up some interest from quite a few that frequent the forums.

Hehe I do give good massages. :biggrin:


Active Member
One time my grandma needed some money to get some flour and milk and eggs and a lightbulb for the fridge. To make money she made pancakes and sold them to a man down the street. She charged 4 cents and sold him 300 pancakes. She totally made 12 dollars, and had some money left over to get me a turtle!


We had a Bake Sale recently for cousin and raised over $700 for him. There are so many kind people out there that you just don't hear about.


aka Mrs. Giant
Depends on how much money you are looking to raise. Some ideas that come to mind: Keg party, charge so much per cup and run flyers off a copier; look for sponsors for your bike; check into setting up a website link for donations where people can use paypal; have an ice cream party - make your own sundaes charge X per person; ask friends and neighbors to donate their junk and have a yard sale and the proceeds can help. Good luck.


New Member
I'm with vraiblonde. Get into the 2K. Get 5 sponsors. Drape their logos, names and signage all over your bike, uniform and your Subaru. They'll pay thousands, rather than a few bucks from a bakesale (bakesale, wtf?). No one has to work. Everyone wins. Simple.