

Very sad. Breaks my heart to see his family and friends. Seeing all the players walking in was very touching.


New Member
It think it's more sad that they are showing this on TV... The poor guy can't even die in peace.

A funeral should be a private moment. Not some show for Jesse Jackson and a bunch of other puppet heads to get their chance to spout-off.


It think it more sad that they are showing this on TV... The poor guy can't even die in peace.

A funeral should be a private moment. Not some show for Jesse Jackson and a bunch of other puppet heads to get their chance to spout-off.

They opened the funeral to the public. The family wanted it that way, so everyone could be included.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
It's sad, but I agree about Jessie Jackson. Where is his outrage at the people who did this? Instead, he talks about gun control.


Active Member
I went to the game yesterday. It was very comforting to be around all the other fans. The video tribute was soo hard to watch, especially when ST was speaking on there. I think it gave alot of the fans closure. Alot of the fans including myself were not even upset the redskins lost. We just wanted to pay our respects to him.


Walking for a cure!!
I was at the game too, couldn't stop the tears during the video. It was a beautiful tribute. I was a bit annoyed when people started making noise when they asked for a moment of silence. That was rude.


Active Member
I was at the game too, couldn't stop the tears during the video. It was a beautiful tribute. I was a bit annoyed when people started making noise when they asked for a moment of silence. That was rude.

I was thinking the same thing!!! No respect..Two ladies three rows behind me were talking loudly, I finally asked them to be quiet. I loved seeing all the stuff the fans made honoring sean taylor. It was great.


It's sad, but I agree about Jessie Jackson. Where is his outrage at the people who did this? Instead, he talks about gun control.

Funny isn't it. The Master Race baiter himself had a bully pupit to use to speak out loud and clear to tell black America to stop killing black America and he deflects.

What a total tool.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Funny isn't it. The Master Race baiter himself had a bully pupit to use to speak out loud and clear to tell black America to stop killing black America and he deflects.

What a total tool.

:yay: He missed the boat....again. I was a bit outraged at his little speech.


New Member
It's sad, but I agree about Jessie Jackson. Where is his outrage at the people who did this? Instead, he talks about gun control.

I didn't watch the broadcast, but were Rev Al and "Farrah-Kon" there too? I mean if you have one black leader, why not have them all?

Gun control speech. Gotta love it.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I didn't watch the broadcast, but were Rev Al and "Farrah-Kon" there too? I mean if you have one black leader, why not have them all?

Gun control speech. Gotta love it.

Just Jessie that I saw speak. I don't know if the others were in attendance or not.


New Member
Funny isn't it. The Master Race baiter himself had a bully pupit to use to speak out loud and clear to tell black America to stop killing black America and he deflects.

What a total tool.

A. He was invited there by the family
B. That's hardly the time to make any sort of political and/or social declarations.


It's a Jeep thang!
Isn't gun a control speech a political/social declaration?


He is a Reverend. He could have done it without coming off as a political/social declaration.

Besides, on any other situation, He would be in front of the cameras shouting something. But no, he has been quiet once more. The opportunity is there for him to take a stand and denounce violence by ALL races. His silence speaks volumes.

Gun control is NOT the problem. The problem is violence and crimes.


New Member
I was at the game as well, and was very pleased with the tribute. When they asked for a moment of silence, you could've heard a pin drop in my section. I was happy to see the amount of respect the fans had. The signs were amazing also. I will say though that i was VERY disappointed that we lost the game. I felt our team owed it to Taylor to win, and we should've. I certainly was not upset with the players, i couldn't believe Gibbs/Saunders made calls like that that handed the win to the bills on a silver platter. A win won't bring Taylor back, but it would've been great.