Future law breakers beware


New Member
Is there any phrase more indicative of an administration running away from scandal than "we are looking to the future, not the past"? It's a universally applicable defense when you're trying to avoid culpability for any wrongdoing.

And it's the exact phrase used by the Bush administration's Health and Human Services spokesman after the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) released a report saying that the administration broke federal laws when it withheld the cost of Bush's Medicare proposal from Congress.

When Medicare's chief actuary estimated that the cost of Bush's plan was more than $100 billion over what Bush had promised, then-Medicare administrator Thomas Scully ordered him not to release the estimates to Congress. (Scully is now a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry.)

It was only after Bush signed the law that the administration revealed that the bill's cost was well over $500 billion instead of the $400 billion price tag Bush promised.

Now the CRS says that Scully's actions broke laws that ensure federal employees give accurate information to Congress. But according to the administration, we should ignore the violation of federal laws because it happened in the past, and they're looking to the future.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It was only after Bush signed the law that the administration revealed that the bill's cost was well over $500 billion instead of the $400 billion price tag Bush promised.
Maybe Bush was just trying to preempt the inevitable cries of, "Yes, I voted for it but it's STILL bad because it's not enough!"



New Member
Hmm...Scully, once medicare adminatrator now lobbyist for pharmacopia...Who could've seen that one coming?
And yes, to look at the future to ignore the past is a cop out. This is the line that the admin has had on a lot of issues, the environment, the middle East, national security...But they'le get away with it again becasue.....because.....hey, why DO they get away with it?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SOCIO
hey, why DO they get away with it?
Because the majority of us don't feel like they're a bunch of lowlifes "getting away" with something, that's why.


Originally posted by Sparx
Is there any phrase more indicative of an administration running away from scandal than "we are looking to the future, not the past"? It's a universally applicable defense when you're trying to avoid culpability for any wrongdoing.

And it's the exact phrase used by the Bush administration's Health and Human Services spokesman after the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) released a report saying that the administration broke federal laws when it withheld the cost of Bush's Medicare proposal from Congress.

When Medicare's chief actuary estimated that the cost of Bush's plan was more than $100 billion over what Bush had promised, then-Medicare administrator Thomas Scully ordered him not to release the estimates to Congress. (Scully is now a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry.)

It was only after Bush signed the law that the administration revealed that the bill's cost was well over $500 billion instead of the $400 billion price tag Bush promised.

Now the CRS says that Scully's actions broke laws that ensure federal employees give accurate information to Congress. But according to the administration, we should ignore the violation of federal laws because it happened in the past, and they're looking to the future.
You know I am so tired of your crap. Where is the grand jury? Where are the supeopnas? Where is the complaint in federal court? If these people broke federal law and this "non-partisan" organization has proof, where is the arrest warrants?

Just more baseless BS National Enquirer liberal BS you spin and spew every stinking day. Like you fake list of republicans who got financial support from the AFL-CIO and all the other BS you misrepresent here. That is just my "non-partisan" opinion. I am "non-partisan" because I just declared myself that. :duh:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
And where is my pay raise and back pay as required by the Federal Employee Pay and Comparability Act? The last several administrations used the deficit to avoid it (even when we had a suppossed surplus).

A lot of laws are never enforced or fully funded. It must be comfy under that rock if you think this is anything new.


Originally posted by Ken King
And where is my pay raise and back pay as required by the Federal Employee Pay and Comparability Act? The last several administrations used the deficit to avoid it (even when we had a suppossed surplus).

The funniest part about that is even the president and congress who passed it into law ignored it.

Under the current administration there will never be any investigation or charges regardless of what happens. It's the advantage an administration has when the executive branch and congressional branch are controlled by the same political party. Every attempt at an investigation of the administration's actions is shot down.


New Member
Originally posted by Warron
The funniest part about that is even the president and congress who passed it into law ignored it.

Under the current administration there will never be any investigation or charges regardless of what happens. It's the advantage an administration has when the executive branch and congressional branch are controlled by the same political party. Every attempt at an investigation of the administration's actions is shot down.
