FYI--Potassium Iodide


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The Calvert County Health Dept. is distributing Potassium Iodide tablets to anyone who lives or works within 10 miles of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant during June.

Pick up dates are:

Tuesday, June 18 5pm-9pm
Tuesday, June 25 5pm-9pm

If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the CCHD at 410-535-5400 or 301-855-1353.

For more info. about Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant

I haven't decided if I'm going to get some from them or buy some online. In all the years I've lived here I really haven't had much concern. I don't know if I should worry more about the shockwave from the LNG Plant, should anything go wrong. But you never know, it's always a good idea to be prepared. With only 3 roads out of CRE onto Rt4, evac will be timely.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
The Calvert County Health Dept. is distributing Potassium Iodide tablets to anyone who lives or works within 10 miles of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant during June.

What if you live or work near there other than during June??? :lol: (Sorry - I couldn't resist...)


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What if you live or work near there other than during June?

Then you don't get any. :lol:
(I guess I should have put a comma in there, nice catch.)


New Member
Please explain

What do they hope to "control" by administering potassium iodine?

What are the risks if one doesn't take it?

(from someone considering relocating to somd).


New Member
Please advise

I have an endocronologist because I have a medical problem related specifically to my THYROID.

I need to know where I can find out what risks I would have by living in the area.

Website info?


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I don't really think there are any more risks living in this area due to CCNPP. The power plant has a very safe track record. The only reason they are distributing the tabs is because of 9/11. The only other concern is a nuclear explosion which could happen anywhere and is not limited to this area.

Have you read the FAQ's? If not, please take the time to read them.

Cabbage, you may want to discuss your concerns with your doctor. I didn't mean to worry anyone as I was simply passing along information to interested persons.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cariblue
maybe I'm confused....

They are passing out these pills to residents within a 10mile radius, right?

Now, if the power plant were "detonated", wouldn't everyone within that 10 m radius be dust anyway? So, wouldn't it make sense to distribute the pills to those who are far enough away to survive the blast, but not the fall-out?

Somebody please enlighten me.

This is in the event of a release of radioactive gas etc. Not a blast!

Actually I've always heard it's unlikely any condition would occur at the plant that could ever cause a blast. But in all fairness I'm not a Physicist so there might be someone else who can correct me on this.


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Originally posted by cariblue

Now, if the power plant were "detonated", wouldn't everyone within that 10 m radius be dust anyway?

Somebody please enlighten me.

:lol: Sorry. :p

Oh, geez :rolleyes: I'm in over my head.

Someone help me here. :)

I think it is virtually impossbile to detonate a power plant, unless it is sabotage. The scenario "they" were imaginning was "what if's". Even if a plane flew into the concrete cooling towers it is possible that nothing would happen except some leakage. The nuclear stuff is way underground. One would have to get their plane to fly straight down.

Besides, the Navy would shoot them down first.

Let's not cause a panic here.


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Originally posted by cariblue
Sharon, don't laff at me! :bawl:
:blushing: I just have never heard it put that way. I apologize.

I just think "nothing is impossible", and that the measures they are taking are rather unreasonable, or even unrealistic. [/B]
I agree. Nothing is impossible. As for unreasonable, who can say. I'm not really concerned that anything will happen at BG&E. It is more dangerous for me to walk my dog at 7am. ;)


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Why now?

I guess because of 9/11. Most places took precautions years before that as a safe-measure.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cariblue

True enough. Another thought that comes to mind...if they are distributing these pills "just in case" of a leak, then why are they just now doing so? How long has the power plant been there?

They are reacting SOLELY because of 9/11. CCNPP has been operational since the mid 70's - kind of late now to be worrying about radiation leaks, eh? But they are trying to allay people's fears and this is a tangible means of doing so.

No, I'm not too worried about it either. I actually know the guy who use to run the plant (he's now running a plant in upstate NY)...I don't know how confident I would be in the person running it now, as I don't know him/her. One never knows about a persons work ethics, does one?

Umm...there's a lot more than ONE guy running the plant. The number of safe-guards imposed internally by BGE and externally by the Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) are very stringent, so the likelihood of a major catastrophe is very remote. I have lived at "ground zero" for 20 years and I would rather have the nuclear power plant next to me than the liquifed natural gas (Cove Point) or the oil pipeline.

Check out their website at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant for more information about the plant.
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* * * * * * * * *
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Originally posted by jazz lady
I have lived at "ground zero" for 20 years and I would rather have the nuclear power plant next to me than the liquifed natural gas (Cove Point) or the oil pipeline.

Don't even go there! :eek: (/sarcasm off)

I'm closer to that one and if I worried about all that could happen I would cease to enjoy life.


yeah yeah
Cabbage...yes, you can talk to your endocrine doctor about it. I have hypothyroidism..and I have talked to mine about the pill that they are passing out.

And is so that your thyroid wont be serriously effected. that is why it is being given.

Also, Cari, jus tto give you a little more ease...if it were to denonate...or for instance by a plane doing the unthinkable like 9/11 they would have to penetrate many many layers of the steel and metal for it to do anything. Now the gas, from what I have been told by reliable sources...(navy and other doctors and such) (cause I was worried too) it is what will effect the thyroid, which with the Potassium Iodide will counter act the cancer that would/could be caused by these toxic gases. See, with me, and my thyroid, I know what they mean about this, cause I am going to be getting iodide treatments, cause I have a lump...on my thyroid, they are going to try and disolve. I am not saying they will disolve the thyroid or anything, so dont think that. It is just a precautionary method, and also, safety of course.

I hope that helped a little bit! *hugs*:)


yeah yeah
Thats alright Cari...that is why I posted to you above...cause I was trying to help out a little saying that if a plane crashed into the plant, it STILL would more than likely not detonate it. So try not to be to worried.

Just trying to help *smile*

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cariblue

Well, it certainly was not my intent to imply that he was the "only" person that worked there. Obviously, it takes more than one person to run the plant. Just because I had what some may think was a silly question doesn't mean I just fell off of a turnip truck.

You make it sound like I stepped on your toes or something. So sorry.

No toe-stepping here - and I haven't seen any turnip trucks around here in a long time. So sorry you took it that way. :)

I just have a pretty good "insider" information on what goes on in the plant. Believe me, it is very tough work and I admire my people greatly for the years they have worked there.

And besides, I am *almost* finished moving to St. Mary's - out of the "plume zone" - so no iodide pills for me. But my point is the CCNPP is built to withstand things like earthquakes and large scale disasters - and I have more faith in it than the LNG plant that just re-opened (sorry, Sharon!).
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