GA Baptist resolution criticizes.....


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Georgia Baptist resolution criticizes Baptist blogs

"AUGUSTA, Ga. (ABP) -- Georgia Baptists approved a record budget and a controversial resolution against blogging during their annual meeting Nov. 12-13.

Gathering in Augusta, more than 1,400 messengers attended the Georgia Baptist Convention meeting, themed “Back to the Basics.” They also approved a 2008 Cooperative Program budget, added 62 new churches and missions, and approved the distribution of money previously given to Mercer University. Mercer is no longer affiliated with the GBC.

Wayne Bray and William Harrell, pastors at Beulah Baptist Church in Douglasville, submitted the anti-blogging resolution, which said blogs are used by “certain people … for divisive and destructive rhetoric at the expense of peace among the brethren.”

Georgia Baptist resolution criticizes Baptist blogs