gallbladder surgery


not impressed
Who has had to deal with this themselves or someone else close. What is recovery time, pain level after, unexpected benefits or pitfalls?


mv = margaritaville
Who has had to deal with this themselves or someone else close. What is recovery time, pain level after, unexpected benefits or pitfalls?
I had mine out granted it has been a while. I remember moving slow with probably two days of real pain. Then it was just move slow try not to laugh.

A pitfall, you will need to watch what you eat after. They aren't kidding when they say lay off the fast greasy food for a while. Or you will need to remember where every bath room is located.


New Member
The women in my family have had their gallbladder removed except for me and my mother. The recovery time as always been very short with them returning to work in a week or less. None of them had any complications or any great deal of pain. If anything, they were relieved not to feel the constant gall bladder pain they were used to. They've all resumed their normal lives but had to contend with diarrhea. It was explained to them that they'd only get diarrhea when they ate fatty foods but that kinda applies to every meal they all eat so they just deal with having chronic diarrhea.


New Member
I had mine removed March of last year. It wasn't half as bad as I thought it was going to be. Its uncomfortable the first day, then the pain goes away pretty quickly. I didn't find the pain extreme either, more of an annoyance. I'm not sure if you have had gall stones or not, but that was one of the most painful experiences I have ever had- the surgery is a breeze compared to the stones!

But definitely note to watch what you eat after...spicy foods and greasy foods will literally RUN through you!

Good Luck!!


mv = margaritaville
Can the local hospitals do this or is it DC/Baltimore territory.
I am sure they can, I was a minor was I had to be up the road for it.

But I think now it's almost an in/our surgery. It really wasn't horrible, but please please please take the warnings about the bathrooms :lol:


New Member
Who has had to deal with this themselves or someone else close. What is recovery time, pain level after, unexpected benefits or pitfalls?

I had it done myself three years ago. It was at SMH, I went in thinking I was just having the small incisions and came about with a six inch long gash along my stomach stapled up that kept me home for three weeks. It was very painful so pray to god you don't have to have them cut you open. They did start out with the small incisions in three areas but mine was to gone to do it that way. Good luck! Oh and your food will run right through you afterwards, mine still does.


mv = margaritaville
One other piece of advice, I am not sure if one really has to do with the other but I find it helps...

Don't let yourself get really hungry. Try to stick to eating at around the same time everyday. I find on days that I let myself get really hungry I have issues later, but if I eat at about the same time, or have small snacks as a stand by I don't have any stomach issues.


New Member
I had mine done at Calvert. The doc was worried he would have to do the big incision's because I had so many stones and my duct was blocked but I ended up with the little incisions- they said it was close.

I went in at 6 in the morning for pre-op and was home by 3 pm. I was in recovery a little longer than normal b/c I had an allergic reaction to the topical iodine. Other than that... it was minor.


Well-Known Member
Laparoscopic gallbladder removal does not require the abdominal muscles to be cut, resulting in less pain, quicker healing, improved cosmetic results, and fewer complications such as infection and adhesions. Most patients can be discharged on the same or following day as the surgery, and can return to any type of occupation in about a week.

Sometimes it is not possible to remove the gallbladder using a laparoscope. In this case, the surgery will be changed to an open gallbladder removal. Other reasons for this surgery may be:bleeding problems, lung disease, obesity, pancreatitis, pregnancy (3rd trimester), severe liver problems
or the patient has had many surgeries in this part of their belly in the past.

I had my gallbladder removed a number of years via laparoscopically; I was up and at 'em in 4 full days. Good luck to your friend. :yay:


Soul Probe
One thing I have observed with myself and many others through transcribing medical reports, reflux seems to be a common and chronic occurance afterward. More or less a side-effect of having no gallbladder.


Soul Probe

It gets a little better once your body adjusts. I've learned to manage mine. No OJ on an empty stomach. Soda over ice instead of out of a can or bottle. No chocolate after a full meal. Things like that. Better than avoiding fatty foods to the T to avoid a gallbladder attack. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Who has had to deal with this themselves or someone else close. What is recovery time, pain level after, unexpected benefits or pitfalls?

7 to 10 days recovery time for me . Had pain attacks 3 hours after, twice then none . MAIN pitfall is you GAIN weight from having no gall bladder to break down fatty foods


New Member
The momma had hers out last year. Surgery and recovery were not bad at all. She found it helpful to keep a food diary after as far as what kinds of foods set her stomach off. She did have a period of time where she had a lot of nausea after the surgery. Even water made her want to vomit. Anti nausea meds helped. She is doing great now. Wish your friend the best.