Gallery of Shrinking glaciers


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rack'm said:

BUT, are they taken at the same time of year?
Good point. It is obvious that some of the comparison pictures are taken at different ranges or perspectives and at different times of the year. Pictures do not always tell the story. The photographer can taint the evidence by changing the conditions.

In each of the before and after pictures, the questions are: where they taken at the same time of year? (snow vs actual glacier) from the same angle? from the same distance?

The real evidence would be taken at the same time of year and would be ice thickness, acreage covered by the glacier not including seasonal snow and ice.


I bowl overhand
The puzzle of the shrinking glaciers..

Food for thought..

An airman was just recoverd off of a glacier, as the glacier ice and snow melted, his body was uncovered, and recoverd..

Is this a sign of global warming? Or is it a sign of global colding?

For example.. he crashed in 1942, in 1942 his body was on the surface of the glacier, ice built up over the years to cover him up, now it's taken 10 years or so to uncover him, to get the glacier BACK to where it was in 1942, so between 1942 and say 1992, were we suffering from global chilling, and are now just returning to normal??

Earth is cyclic.. warming and cooling cycles are normal, and evident through many scientific venues, just like evolution.

If you look to the past you will see how the cycles run, and if you follow the pattern we SHOULD be in the middle of a warming cycle.

SO spray your hair, drive your car.. our environment is a LOT cleaner now then it was in the 40's and 50's and the glaciers were GROWING then.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
For example.. he crashed in 1942, in 1942 his body was on the surface of the glacier, ice built up over the years to cover him up, now it's taken 10 years or so to uncover him, to get the glacier BACK to where it was in 1942, so between 1942 and say 1992, were we suffering from global chilling, and are now just returning to normal??
Good point. I think people's deductive reasoning takes a powder when they're force-fed a steady diet of whatever hysteria du jour the media has decided to push.


Well-Known Member
Secondary thoughts...

I don't know how much weight the seasonal changes has...looks to me that these ice sheets/glaciers should be permanent features...and they are fading.
If the first set of photos were taken about 100 years ago: we were heavily into burning coal! Also: wood fires dominated our heating too.
So..even if our population was 1/3 what it is today...we were a LOT more abusive with our fuel sources.

I found a fascinating job: Forensic meterologist...researching historic weather patterns and tying them to historic events. wow.... They consulted one on "Deep Sea detectives" on cable last job.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
I don't know how much weight the seasonal changes has...looks to me that these ice sheets/glaciers should be permanent features...and they are fading....
Seasonal change has little to do with the actual glaciers. It has a lot to do with the appearance of a glacier in a photo. Seasonal snow or lack thereof could add to or detract from the apparent size of a glacier in a picture.


This Space for Rent
No, I don't doubt the glaciers were bigger. However, the Earth has been warming far before then or we would still be in an ice age. No one should doubt the globe warms. It has done so many times before people ever got here. It has cooled, also. Taking a hundred year snapshot and saying mankind did this is what makes it silly.