Gambling With Dean


Lovin' being Texican
Penn said:
But, the funny part is, they are staying anonymous! :lmao:

An interesting reason to mistrust a Democrat :
His complaint is Dean's softness on foreign policy, characterized by his campaign promise to seek a fair trial for Osama bin Laden.

We know the leading Democrats want the war to terrorism to be a law-enforcement exercise ("Don't go after Saddam until you have Osama in custody!") but they apparently don't want justice for Osama once we have him.

This must be making the al Queda start to believe they were extremely lucky "W" won the election.


New Member
Sadly it looks like the Vermonter is gonna be the chairman with all of the drop-outs lately in the race. Really too bad...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Sadly it looks like the Vermonter is gonna be the chairman with all of the drop-outs lately in the race. Really too bad...
It IS too bad...for Democrats. It's great for Republicans. :yay:

Raley, do you ever troll the DU forums?

These guys used to be psycho fringers - now it seems they're the mainstream of the Democratic party. What happened? :confused: Seriously, because it didn't used to be this way.


Dancing Up A Storm
It seems the Dems want Howard Dean for his ability to raise money; I guess further that they're counting on him to pull in a huge influx of funds on the internet, like he did last spring and summer.

What I'm puzzled over is how they're going to muzzle him from going on the news programs, appealing to his "constituents", which would appear to be the leftist fringe groups.

That is not going to work for the Democratic party, since they want to be seen as moving to the center on issues like gun control, abortion, and even religion.

It's going to be a heck of a balancing act if he does get the position.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
It IS too bad...for Democrats. It's great for Republicans. :yay:

Raley, do you ever troll the DU forums?

These guys used to be psycho fringers - now it seems they're the mainstream of the Democratic party. What happened? :confused: Seriously, because it didn't used to be this way.

Yes I do see what they post 2004 I believe that the party cozied up to those types because we didn't want another Nader rebellion at our hands...see what good that did us. Granted, our fundraising from the grassroots is much better than it was at one time, we need to do a better job of balancing. We need to find a way (like the Republican Party has) to keep our deepest, darkest base in the fundraising fold and reaching out to the middle. Howard Dean can't do that in my opinion unless he tones it down as DNC chairman.

It still pisses me off that we are going to have a governor and not a political consultant as our chairman. That is just bad decision-making; he doesn't have the experience needed to run a national party. You need an insider, one whose been inside Washington politics for decades.