Game 3


Supper's Ready
One error so far, but two runs for the Indians. I didn't watch game 2 the other night, but was wowed looking at it the next morning. Wonder if they'll rise to the occasion tonight.


Pitty Party
One error so far, but two runs for the Indians. I didn't watch game 2 the other night, but was wowed looking at it the next morning. Wonder if they'll rise to the occasion tonight.

Stayed up to watch that game. 11th inning tied 6-6, now 1:15am. Indians scored 3 at the top of the 11th. I had to be at work at 6am. Wasn't happy to see the score in the morning. Boston needed to represent at home.

They will rise as NE did :yahoo:


New Member
You and everyone else knows they don't suck. They have in the past, but this year they are doing very well.