Game analysis...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...aka "Did 5 o'clock get lost on it's way here?"

Note: These are all re-matches of regular season games, on all same field except us.

Redskins v Seahawks.

All Redskins, all the way. Seattle played a soft schedule and dominated no one of note all season. They have Alexander, the MVP and they have Hasselback and a good passing game. Sorry, it's not the same reaction as when you say "Favre" or "Elway" or "Montanta" in the playoffs. There is, however, two Super Bowl winning coaches.

As for the D, middle of the NFC pack, Green Bay, Arizona and New Orleans all had better total stats. Cleveland was ahead of them as well. We beat them earlier this year when we should have lost and both teams know it AND they are expecting my main man, MB, to keep on sucking eggs based on his Tampa performance, ergo, Seattle is taking us lightly. Seattle: Over rated, ready for the fall.

Broncos v. Pats.

This is THE game as far as I am concerned. I've been un-impressed with Denver all year yet they kept getting it done and, I'm sorry, New England is the Super Bowl champ until someone says otherwise. Ask Jacksonville. I see the Pats stuffing the run and then, who do you like in playoff pressure; Tom Brady or Jake Plummer??? Denver beat NE 28-20 earlier this year at home when the Pats could barely field a team.

Two multiple Super Bowl winners with the headsets on.

Steelers v. Colts

I just can't see the Colts running wild on the Steelers. Ben is playing well so the Steelers can get some points to keep up. As long as it's close Cowher is gonna pound the ball which means time of possession. I see rusty Colts suffering an emotional hangover from Dungys traumas. Maybe this is game #2??? Indy swamped them right after Thanksgiving, 26-7 in Indy. Cowhers been to the show, losing to the Cowboys way back in 1996. Dungy ain't been there...yet.

Bears v. Panthers

This comes down to who can get some points on the board and it ain't Chicago unless the D does it. Jake and Co. (Steve Smith) are good for a game breaker or two though it was 13-3 Bears last time, right before Thanskgiving. Fox lost to the Pats a few years back and Lovie ain't been there yet.