Game system Gamers...


New Member
OK, the last game system I owned was Atari 2600. And no, I'm not going to buy the Atari retro thing that's out now.

I'm interested in either the PS2 or the XBOX 360 since I do have a HD system. I tried doing my own online research, and that didn't get me much useable info.

The game selection is MUCH better with the PS2, and the early XBOX 360's were/are crashing, but haven't heard if they've fixed that yet or not, also the 360's are in short supply. Are the games for the 360 going to get better (other than the usual EA stuff)

Or should I wait for the PS3 this spring/summer?

Ponytail said:
OK, the last game system I owned was Atari 2600. And no, I'm not going to buy the Atari retro thing that's out now.

I'm interested in either the PS2 or the XBOX 360 since I do have a HD system. I tried doing my own online research, and that didn't get me much useable info.

The game selection is MUCH better with the PS2, and the early XBOX 360's were/are crashing, but haven't heard if they've fixed that yet or not, also the 360's are in short supply. Are the games for the 360 going to get better (other than the usual EA stuff)

Or should I wait for the PS3 this spring/summer?


As a fan of the XBOX IMHO I would say wait for the next batch of 360's to be released. They had a problem with the power supply overheating and causing the system to crash in some cases, but that issue should be resloved with the next release.


New Member
Steve said:
Get a high-end PC instead. :yay:

I have a high end lap-top. To outfit that for gaming would be ridiculous. I can't see shelling another $3500+ for a gaming PC, when for $400 I can have pure Hi Def gaming system on my 42" TV with online play capabilties, Surround Sound, wireless controllers... I mean, have ya seen the XBOX 360 graphics? Impressive, to say the least.


I think the problems with the xbox 360 have been with only a realitively small number of systems. Not a significant amount compared to the total number sold. They are still in short supply though. I did see an advertisement at the entrance of best buy in waldorf last weekend saying they had some (it was writen on a whiteboard at the entrance), but I wouldn't have been suprised it they had just left it up after they had sold out again. There arn't enough games available yet for it to be worth buying anyways. At least not games that I like.

I'm not sure I would recommend the ps2 though. It has a lot of games, but the graphics on most are not very good. There are a few exeptions like Resident Evil 4, but only a few.

Its hard to tell what the future of the 360 will be. If you look on the upcoming release section of there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of anything coming out anytime soon. But it may be that the new games are just not advertised yet.
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New Member
Go for the xbox 360. I camped out and was lucky enough to get one back in November. I've been playing it daily and have not had any problem with it overheating. I've even gone as far as leaving it on overnight and had no problems.

Don't waste your money on a PS2 system. They are out dated.

As for the 360 game collection. Give it six-months and there will be more than enough to choose from.


wandering aimlessly
there's some new gaming place in Great Mills. Why not go there and try out all the systems? You can see which one you like best.


Ponytail said:
The game selection is MUCH better with the PS2

Well, that's because the PS2 has been out for a few years now.
The XBox360 will most assuredly catch up.

Plus Halo 3 will be an XBox exclusive - IMO, that's worth the money right there.

Ponytail said:
Are the games for the 360 going to get better (other than the usual EA stuff)

Most likely.

Except for Exclusives: (like Halo & Oddworld for the XBox and Final Fantasy for the Playstation), most games come out with a version for each (plus game-cube versions) - and it has been my experience, based on Crash Bandicoot games, and Prince of Persia games, that the XBox implementations are a little better, graphics-wise.

Also, I think that the XBox360 is backward-compatible, so you should be able to play XBox (mark-1) games, and that means there's plenty of games worth playing, already.

Plus I prefer the XBox controllers to the PlayStation controllers, but that's not really a driving factor.

Ponytail said:
Or should I wait for the PS3 this spring/summer?


What's this OR crap?

Get both!


I love my PS2. Waiting for PS3. :)

For depth of play, nothing beats the PC though.


Toxick said:
Well, that's because the PS2 has been out for a few years now.
The XBox360 will most assuredly catch up.

Plus Halo 3 will be an XBox exclusive - IMO, that's worth the money right there.


Sorry buddy, not a Halo fan. I really don't see what the fuss is about on the Halo series. Just another FPS in my opinion.


Schizo said:
Sorry buddy, not a Halo fan. I really don't see what the fuss is about on the Halo series. Just another FPS in my opinion.

Well, if you don't see what the fuss is, I'm pretty sure that I can't explain it, and it won't change your mind anyway...

But IMO, the fuss comes from the fact that it is more than just another FPS, in that you can get in tanks, jeeps, alien vehicles (like the ghosts and phantoms) and you can even get in the alien aircraft (the banshees).

Plus it has a very rich storyline/plot, with good characterization, effective foreshadowing, and ALIEN MUTANT ZOMBIES.

Not to mention the fact that they seemlessly portray a 6 sided war (including a civil war between ememy factions), without seeming forced or contrived has to count for something!

'Sides - the Master Chief is just plain cool.


New Member
I've got a 360 that was manufactured in January. Had it for a couple weeks problems at all. None. Got about 5 or 6 games for it (the EA Sports games are the lowest quality of 'em). Once again...ZERO problems.

The majority of my original X Box games are backward compatible, as well.

The one thing that the PS3 gang will find very hard to do is to compete with X-Box Live.


New Member

I went and spent the coin to get Halo 2, made it ways through, trying to give it a chance and gave up.

Couldn't stand the changing back and forth between human and some creature thing.

Sold it on ebay about a week after I bought it....


This is fun right?
Ponytail said:
OK, the last game system I owned was Atari 2600. And no, I'm not going to buy the Atari retro thing that's out now.

I'm interested in either the PS2 or the XBOX 360 since I do have a HD system. I tried doing my own online research, and that didn't get me much useable info.

The game selection is MUCH better with the PS2, and the early XBOX 360's were/are crashing, but haven't heard if they've fixed that yet or not, also the 360's are in short supply. Are the games for the 360 going to get better (other than the usual EA stuff)

Or should I wait for the PS3 this spring/summer?


Its really a matter of which Game consoles legacy (ie ps2/xbox1) games you currently like better.

You can play PS1 games on a PS2, the assumption is, you'll be able to play PS2 games on the PS3. So if you like the selection of Games the PS2 currently has, then wait for the PS3. Xbox360 is the same way.

with either system you'll have a variety of legacy games you can play when its first released and when the new games come out you just transition to those.

its like GM versus Ford, theres always going to be an opinion. just research which one has the games you like better and go with that system.


Set Trippin
Schizo said:
Sorry buddy, not a Halo fan. I really don't see what the fuss is about on the Halo series. Just another FPS in my opinion.
:yeahthat: I burned out on those 10 yrs ago....


As far as xbox 360 being backwards compatable, its not something you should count on. Basically, you have to download a patch from the internet to your 360 hard drive. I'm not sure if it requires xbox live or just an internet connection. But patches for only certain games are available. It really depends on whether the game publisher feels like putting out a patch. Right now there are a good hundred or more games with patches, but many popular titles are not amoung them. Before buying a game you would have to check microsofts list to see if it has a patch. It really depends on whether you can hook up an internet connection to your 360 and can research the game before you buy it.


I wonder if a PAC-MAN FPS type game would spawn any interest. Not necessarily a shooter game, but looking at the world through Pac-Man's eyes, running around eating dots, dodging ghosts.

Maybe that wouldn't translate to the 3d world very well :/

And I miss the Zelda-type world games that they used to have.