Gary Hart brain farted in the Post today...



I think he's making pefect sense... he's just thinking like a Liberal. Remember that people tend to see the World in the light of their own way of thinking. Liberals believe whote-heartedly that they can change people, that people are good and that it's society that makes them bad, that wars aren't needed, etc., and they honestly believe that most people agree with those ideals.

In his piece Hart isn't talking about Democrats et al, he's talking about their leaders. I loved his statement that Democrats shouldn't hope to win elections by default, which is exactly what they've been doing since 1992. They need to come out and really say how they feel about things. They should have the moral courage to come out and say "I'm all for Gay marriage, abortion on demand, and I don't think we should ever use our military!"... of course, they would never get elected doing that, but folks like Hart honestly think that a majority of Americans feel that way.

This all goes back to what's been discussed on this forum quite a bit lately, that being that Republicans/Conservatives don't seem to have any problem being who they are and speaking about what they believe in, while Democrats are continually "reinventing themselves" or trying to paint themselves as Moderates in order to try to win an election. With Republicans you know what you're getting, with Democrats you don't, and Hart feels that it's vital that Democrats running for office should be honest with the American people and really state what they're for and against, which would mean that outside of Massachusetts, California, and New York, just about every public office would be in Republican hands. :lmao:


Lovin' being Texican
But how much credibilty can you give a guy who challenged the press to catch him monkeying around on his wife then went out on Monkey Business? Was that on the Big Muddy?


Dancing Up A Storm
Bruzilla said:
I think he's making pefect sense...

This all goes back to what's been discussed on this forum quite a bit lately, that being that Republicans/Conservatives don't seem to have any problem being who they are and speaking about what they believe in, while Democrats are continually "reinventing themselves" or trying to paint themselves as Moderates in order to try to win an election.

With Republicans you know what you're getting, with Democrats you don't, and Hart feels that it's vital that Democrats running for office should be honest with the American people and really state what they're for and against, which would mean that outside of Massachusetts, California, and New York, just about every public office would be in Republican hands. :lmao:
That's waaayy too concise for Liberal Democrats to grasp. But in fact, that is the unvarnished truth.

They still do not understand how they got beat in the last 2 elections. I believe it's because the kept saying "they had a plan", but never really came out and said what that plan was.

If they did at all, it was a caricature of a conservative plan already in existence. Doh! Hey guys, wake up! The American people are just a tad smarter than you all give them credit.

Spin as they tried, most folks across the country, well, their eyes glazed over halfway through a Kerry speech, then they snapped up and said:

"Gosh, that is so much BS!"


Hart sure seems to understand why they got beat the last two times out, and he says it pretty clearly: they tried to win by default, i.e., "Vote For Me Because I'm Not George Bush." He wants them to get out there and push the Democratic message of AOD, Gay marriage, higher taxes, less gasoline, etc., and he's sure that'll get them the White House because all Americans, except those kooks on the Religious Right, can really get behind those issues! :lmao: :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think Howard Dean should publicly denounce Gary Hart so everyone understands that he's not the Democrats' spokesperson/advisor.


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
I think Howard Dean should publicly denounce Gary Hart so everyone understands that he's not the Democrats' spokesperson/advisor.
rraley is sooooo not going to like that comment! :lol: