Gary Sinise is pretty awesome!


Well-Known Member
Gary Sinise: as if he wasn't a wonderful enough guy

Okay, I admit it: after hearing this interview with Greta, I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out.

Gary sat down with Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday to talk about his most recent effort – building a home for quadruple-amputee Staff Sgt. Travis Mills and his family. During the segment, the grateful sergeant called in to the show to thank Gary.

Try as he might to control his emotions, Travis was overwhelmed by the remarkable gift that will make his life, and that of his wife and little girl, easier.

While we often focus on the “bad guys” in Hollywood, sports, music and others in the public arena, it’s patriots like Gary Sinise who are truly newsworthy – for the positive difference they make in people’s lives.